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Neovim with LSP and tree-sitter

An opinionated and simple neovim configuration with native LSP and treesitter support.

You can use this repo either as a base config to build your own neovim configuration on top of, or as an example of how to configure neovim with treesitter and LSP support.

Why would you want this?

In short, because LSP and treesitter together give neovim superpowers. Treesitter provides highlighting and syntax checking for almost any programming language by parsing and creating an AST of the file. This beats the pants off of previous approaches which used error-prone regexes that didn't necessarily understand the contents of your code.

Neovim's new native LSP client means Neovim can now do things like intellisense/auto-completion, automated code refactoring, navigating to definitions (even across import statements or multiple files) and even automated code formatting.

In short, nearly everything that you would get with a full-on IDE like PyCharm or VS Code, but with all the speed, power and customizability of vim at your disposal.

This repo also includes Telescope which gives neovim fuzzy-finding capabilities on par with fzf and even lets you do ripgrep like searches across all the files in your project (or just the ones committed in git!).

For a demo of the final setup's capabilities check the video:


This repo uses recently neovim-specific features, and as a result this repo requires neovim 0.5.0+/nightly. This configuration will not work with vanilla vim or neovim 0.4

To install, first make sure you have installed neovim nightly.

If you already have an existing neovim configuration, then it's best to cherrypick the pieces of this configuration into your own files as you see fit.

If you're configuring neovim for the first time, then do the following:

  1. clone this repo into nvim config location:

    mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
    git clone ~/.config/nvim
  2. install vim-plug:

    sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
  3. Install a nerdfont and configure your terminal to use it (otherwise icons will not display correctly)

    On a mac you can install one via, eg:

    brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
    brew install --cask font-victor-mono-nerd-font

    and then select "VictorMono Nerd Font" in your terminal emulator's font config.

    For iTerm2, this means hit ⌘+, to open up preferences, then go to Profiles -> Text -> Font and use the dropdown to select "VictorMono Nerd Font"

    Linux or Windows pelase follow the instructions provided at the nerd fonts repository.

  4. Install plugins:

    nvim '+PlugInstall | qa'
  5. Start neovim: nvim

  6. Install LSPs for the languages you care about via eg :LspInstall python. You can use tab completion after typing :LspInstall to see which language servers are available

  7. Add/customize your keybindings to ~/.config/nvim/init.vim.


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