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Going through this LWJGL Vulkan book and porting the lessons to clojure in components/vulkan-tutorial

Polylith cheatsheet

Polylith in a nutshell is an opinionated tool to help manage a monorepo. The guardrails in place help the monorepo share libraries of common code across multiple build artifacts, e.g. webservers, lambdas, cli tools. At a high level, individual libs of common code are called components by the tool. Each component exposes an interface package. Outside of each component, e.g. from another component, you may only access what is inside the interface package of another component, everything else is private. The root deps.edn is so your local development environment and REPL can resolve all the code in the repo. In projects/... will be deps.edn files for individual build targets, and will only include components required to build that project.

Running poly check will give you warnings like your project depends on something else in the monorepo that it is not using, or errors like you are trying to use something from a namespace that is not in an interface package


  • poly test

This can include options like what bases, components, or projects you want to run tests for, with nothing will run tests for bases and components your projects in projects/ depend on

If you use Intellij with the Cursive plugin, you can also execute tests like normal in your REPL


  • poly libs - see project dependencies
  • poly libs :outdated - see outdated dependencies
  • poly libs :update - update dependencies

Creating a component

building block that encapsulates a specific domain or part of the system

  • poly create component name:user
  • add component to <root>/deps.edn
{:aliases  {:dev {:extra-paths ["development/src"]
                  ;; to extra dev deps
                  :extra-deps {poly/user {:local/root "components/user"}}}}
            ;; to extra test paths
            :test {:extra-paths ["components/user/test"]}}

creating a base

building block that exposes a public API to the outside world, e.g., external systems and users

  • poly create base name:web
  • add base to <root>/deps.edn
:aliases  {:dev {:extra-paths ["development/src"]
                  ;; to extra dev deps
                  :extra-deps {poly/web {:local/root "bases/cli"}}}
            ;; to extra test paths
            :test {:extra-paths ["bases/cli/test"]}}

creating a project

used to build a deployable artifact

  • poly create project name:backend
  • add project to <root>/workspace.edn
{:projects {"backend" {:alias "backend"}}}
  • add components and bases to <root>/projects/backend/deps.edn e.g.
{:deps {poly/user {:local/root "../../components/user"}
        poly/web  {:local/root "../../bases/cli"}}}


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