📎In computer science and information theory, a Huffman code is a particular type of optimal prefix code that is commonly used for lossless data compression.
Write your file path and ready for encoding ...
import ds
huffman = ds.huffman('./input.txt')
#generate huffman tree
#this function automatically generate frequency and min heap for generating huffman tree
#then generate table
#export zipped file
huffman.tableToDict() #convert huffman codes(huffman.txt or any huffman codes) to dict
#import zipped
#if you generated huffman codes and zipped file before you can just import them and see what 's behind
Sample Huffman table in 'huffman.txt':
Character bits code
C 4 0010
H 5 00101
m 3 010
e 4 0101
2 10
! 3 101
You can turn debug mode on and see what 's happening in the background for your huffman tree ... open ds.py file and turn DEBUG = True
DEBUG = True
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s-%(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%M:%S')
You can also generate min-heap tree for huffman tree but remember in huffman class min-heap tree automatically generated for huffman-tree
value = 20
name = 'head'
headNode = ds.node(name,value)
minHeap = ds.minHeap(headNode,'min heap name')
#out minHeap will automatically heapify itself