###Implementation of Association Rule Mining in Java, using Trie data structure
Association rule mining is a two-step process:
- Frequent itemset generation and
- Rule generation.
Apriori algorithm is used to generate frequent itemset followed by rule generation.
Support and confidence, the two statistical measures are used to refine itemset and rules, respectively.
- Agrawal, R., & Srikant, R. (1994, September). Fast algorithms for mining association rules. In Proc. 20th int. conf. very large data bases, VLDB (Vol. 1215, pp. 487-499).
- Bodon, F., & R'f3nyai, L. (2003). Trie: An alternative data structure for data mining algorithms. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 38(7), 739-751.
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/127704/algorithm-to-return-all-combinations-of-k-elements-from-n
- http://weka.sourceforge.net/doc.stable/weka/associations/Apriori.html