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Test PoC Project on GCP with Spinnker Deployment Pipelines running on Kubernetes. Technologies Used: Dockerized Angular 7 App with Angular Material in One Kubernetes Cluster. The Angular App has the following features Authentication using OpenID Connect Sign-in with Google - Used OAuth 2.0 option provided by Google API Console Only Logged in use…

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Test Project on Google Cloud

Hi! I'm Niran. This is a test project with Google Cloud

The main highlights of the application are as follows:

  1. Dockerized Angular 7 App with Angular Material in One Kubernetes Cluster
  2. Dockerized Java API (Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate Restful CRUD API) on another Kubernetes Cluster
  3. Cloud SQL (around 1,00,000 records)
  4. Logs will be stored in StackDriver
  5. Jenkins for CI
  6. Spinnaker for CD
  7. Helm for setting up environments for Jenkins & Spinnaker

Detailed Steps:

  1. Developer do the code changes and adding some “tags” (say v1.0.1) and commits it
  2. Code is getting pushed into “GitHub” (Can be changed to Bit Bucket or Cloud Source Repositories)
  3. “Container Builder” will detect the new Git tag and trigger an automated build which creates a Docker image and run Unit Tests – This can be replaced with Jenkins
  4. Docker image will be pushed into “Container Registry” (Currently Google Container Registry)
  5. This will add a message into “Cloud Pub Sub” with the details about the new image
  6. “Spinnaker” running on the Kubernetes cluster will detect the new image via Pub Sub Subscription (This can be changed to directly monitor the container registry)
  7. “Spinnaker” will do an Automated Deployment to the “Staging” environment, which is running on Kubernetes
  8. Admin can check approve the deployment to “Canary” Environment after doing some rounds of checks via “Spinnaker”. This will do a the rolling update on a small set of Canary testers
  9. Admin will monitor the Canary builds and approve the deployment to the “Production” via “Spinnaker”.
  10. Requests coming to the Server will be routed based on the Load Balancer provided by Kubernetes

Adding domain in GAE

  1. Modify "dispatch.yaml" in root with the new domain
  2. run gcloud app deploy dispatch.yaml

Deploy Java API in GAE

Created based on google code labs

  1. cd gae-std-java\gae-standard-example
  2. Add App Engine Plugin in pom.xml add the below:
  3. Add App Engine Descriptor at "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml"
     <appengine-web-app xmlns="">
  4. Run locally: ./mvnw -DskipTests spring-boot:run
  5. gcloud app create --region us-central
  6. ./mvnw -DskipTests appengine:deploy

Deploy Angular in GAE

  1. npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
  2. npm install -g http-server
  3. cd InfiniteScroll
  4. ng build --prod
  5. Test Prod Build http-server ./dist
  6. gcloud app deploy

Deploy to Kubernetes

Create Kubernetes cluster

  1. gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
  2. gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER-NAME] Ex:
gcloud beta container --project "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT" clusters create "niran-poc-cluster" --zone "us-central1-a" --username "admin" --cluster-version "1.11.8-gke.6" --machine-type "n1-standard-1" --image-type "COS" --disk-type "pd-standard" --disk-size "20" --scopes "","","","","","" --num-nodes "2" --enable-cloud-logging --enable-cloud-monitoring --no-enable-ip-alias --network "projects/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/global/networks/default" --subnetwork "projects/$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default" --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes "1" --max-nodes "3" --addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing,KubernetesDashboard --enable-autoupgrade --enable-autorepair
  1. gcloud container clusters get-credentials niran-poc-cluster

Deploy Java Application on the Container:

  1. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) ./mvnw -DskipTests spring-boot:run

(Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) Package the Java application as a Docker container [Option 1 - using Jib]

  1. Package the app: ./mvnw -DskipTests package
  2. Use Jib to create the container image and push it to the Container Registry: ./mvnw -DskipTests$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api:v1
  3. Test the image locally with the following command which will run a Docker container as a daemon on port 8080 from your newly-created container image docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:8080$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api:v1
  4. Deploy your application to Kubernetes kubectl run employee-java-api-server$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api:v1 --port=8080
  5. kubectl get deployments
  6. kubectl get pods
  7. kubectl expose deployment employee-java-api-server --type=LoadBalancer

Package the Java application as a Docker container [Option 2]

  1. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) Package: mvn package & Run java -jar target/employee-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war Alternatively, you can run the app without packaging it using: mvn spring-boot:run
  2. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker image build -t employee-java-api:v1.0.1 .
  3. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker tag employee-java-api:v1.0.1$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api:v1.0.1
  4. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker images
  5. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker push$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api:v1.0.1
  6. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker stop $(docker ps -q)
  7. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  8. gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
  9. gcloud container clusters get-credentials niran-poc-cluster
  10. kubectl run employee-java-api-server$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api:v1.0.1 --port 8080
  11. kubectl expose deployment employee-java-api-server --type="LoadBalancer"

Update the image [Option 2]

  1. gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
  2. gcloud container clusters get-credentials niran-poc-cluster
  3. kubectl set image deployment employee-java-api-server$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api:v1.0.1
  4. kubectl rollout status deployment employee-java-api-server
  5. kubectl get deployments

[Optional] To Test after removing local Child images

  1. docker stop $(docker ps -q)
  2. docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  3. docker rmi employee-java-api:v1.0.1$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api employee-java-api:v1.0.1
  4. docker rmi openjdk:8-jre-alpine
  5. docker rmi $(docker images -aq) --force # remove remaining images
  6. docker images
[Optional] Now we have pseudo env.. Test docker
  1. docker pull$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api:v1.0.1
  2. docker run -p 8080:8080 -d$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-java-api:v1.0.1
  3. curl http://localhost:8080

Add Stackdriver Logging

  1. Config details are available here
  2. On Google Kubernetes Engine, you must add the logging.write access scope when creating the cluster: gcloud container clusters create example-cluster-name --scopes

Deploy Angular Application on the Container:

  1. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) npm install -g @angular/cli@latest
  2. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) npm install -g http-server
  3. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) cd InfiniteScroll/
  4. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) ng build --prod
  5. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) To Test Prod Build http-server ./dist
  6. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker image build -t employee-angular-web:v1.0.1 .
  7. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker image ls
  8. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker run -p 3000:80 --rm employee-angular-web:v1.0.1 OR docker run -d -p 8080:8080 employee-angular-web:v1.0.1
  9. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker ps
  10. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker history employee-angular-web:v1.0.1
  11. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker stop [container_id]
  12. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker tag employee-angular-web:v1.0.1$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-angular-web:v1.0.1
  13. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker images
  14. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker push$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-angular-web:v1.0.1
  15. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker stop $(docker ps -q)
  16. (Not Required as per latest Dockerfile) docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  17. gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
  18. gcloud container clusters get-credentials niran-poc-cluster
  19. kubectl run employee-angular-web-server$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-angular-web:v1.0.1 --port 80
  20. kubectl expose deployment employee-angular-web-server --type="LoadBalancer"

Update the image

  1. gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
  2. gcloud container clusters get-credentials niran-poc-cluster
  3. kubectl set image deployment employee-angular-web-server$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/employee-angular-web:v1.0.1
  4. kubectl rollout status deployment employee-angular-web-server
  5. kubectl get deployments

Spinnacker for Kubernetes [Option 1]


  1. Enable Required APIs
  2. cd spinnaker
  3. Modify Cluster Name "GKE_CLUSTER" & "ZONE"
  4. ./
  5. ./
  6. Preview on Port 8080 on Cloud Shell

Spinnacker for Kubernetes [Option 2]


  1. gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-f
  2. gcloud container clusters create spinnaker-tutorial --machine-type=n1-standard-2 --enable-legacy-authorization
Configure identity and access management
  1. gcloud iam service-accounts create spinnaker-storage-account --display-name spinnaker-storage-account
  2. export SA_EMAIL=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list --filter="displayName:spinnaker-storage-account" --format='value(email)')
  3. export PROJECT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
  4. Bind the storage.admin role to your service account: gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --role roles/storage.admin --member serviceAccount:$SA_EMAIL
  5. Download the service account key. In a later step, you will install Spinnaker and upload this key to Kubernetes Engine: gcloud iam service-accounts keys create spinnaker-sa.json --iam-account $SA_EMAIL

Deploying Spinnaker using Helm

  1. wget
  2. tar zxfv helm-v2.5.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
  3. cp linux-amd64/helm .
  4. Initialize Helm to install Tiller, the server side of Helm, in your cluster: ./helm init
  5. ./helm repo update
  6. Ensure that Helm is properly installed by running the following command. If Helm is correctly installed, v2.5.0 appears for both client and server. ./helm version

Configure Spinnaker

  1. In Cloud Shell, create a bucket for Spinnaker to store its pipeline configuration:
export PROJECT=$(gcloud info \
export BUCKET=$PROJECT-spinnaker-config
gsutil mb -c regional -l us-central1 gs://$BUCKET
  1. Create your configuration file by executing the following:
export SA_JSON=$(cat spinnaker-sa.json)
cat > spinnaker-config.yaml <<EOF
storageBucket: $BUCKET
  enabled: true
  project: $PROJECT
  jsonKey: '$SA_JSON'

# Disable minio the default
  enabled: false

# Configure your Docker registries here
- name: gcr
  username: _json_key
  password: '$SA_JSON'

Deploy the Spinnaker chart

  1. ./helm install -n cd stable/spinnaker -f spinnaker-config.yaml --timeout 600 --version 0.3.1

    Note: You will see a warning here about a listener not getting created - you can ignore it. The installation will proceed after a few minutes.

  2. After the command completes, run the following command to set up port forwarding to Spinnaker from Cloud Shell:
export DECK_POD=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "component=deck" \
  -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward --namespace default $DECK_POD 8080:9000 >> /dev/null &
  1. To open the Spinnaker user interface, click the Web Preview icon at the top of the Cloud Shell window and select Preview on port 8080

Configure your build triggers

  1. In the Cloud Platform Console, click Navigation menu > Cloud Build > Triggers. Click Create trigger.

For Reference

Java Commands

  • mvn compile
  • mvn package
  • ./mvnw clean package or mvn clean package
  • ./mvnw spring-boot:run or mvn spring-boot:run
  • java -jar target/java-api-0.1.0.jar

Docker & GKE Commands

  • docker build . -t java-api:0.1
  • docker tag java-api:0.1$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/java-api:0.1
  • docker push$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/java-api:0.1
  • gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
  • gcloud container clusters get-credentials my-cluster
  • kubectl run java-api$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/java-api:0.1 --port 8080
  • kubectl expose deployment java-api --type="LoadBalancer"

Troubleshooting [Common]

For permission issues
  • chmod +x mvnw


Test PoC Project on GCP with Spinnker Deployment Pipelines running on Kubernetes. Technologies Used: Dockerized Angular 7 App with Angular Material in One Kubernetes Cluster. The Angular App has the following features Authentication using OpenID Connect Sign-in with Google - Used OAuth 2.0 option provided by Google API Console Only Logged in use…







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