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look_like matcher Build Status Coverage Status Gem Version

  • This gem is a collection of rspec matchers, for writing wireframe tests.
  • Such tests search for visual clues for detecting presence of a bug.
  • Useful for writing sanity tests in higher environments, e.g. testing your fresh deploy to production.
  • These can reuse your code for regression tests.
  • Meaningful assertion reports help in quick diagnosis of faults.
  • For example you can write test for fresh deployments to make sure the currency and language are correct by domain/user.
  • [Try online] (


  • Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'look_like'
  • To your spec_helper/test_helper or env.rb for cucumber, add following :
require "look_like"
  • And then execute:
$ bundle install


actual   = [[""  ,  "₹300,20", "yes"],
            ["",  "₹301,20", "no" ],
            [""  ,  "₹121,20", ""   ]]
expected = [["email", "₹amount", "yes/no*"]]

expect(actual).to look_like(expected)  

Try online here

Custom Matchers

  :name     => :my_custom_matcher,
  :desc     => "my custom matcher",
  :select   => lambda{|expected|
     # return true if this matcher must be used for given expectation.
  :match    => lambda{|actual, expected|
     # return true if actual matches expected

[Examples for defining matchers] (

Writing Wireframe Tests with Cucumber

  • Suppose this is how an html table look like :
Name Email Commission Enrolled HomePage
User One $5,008.00 yes
User Two $493.00 no
User Three $8.00 yes
  • In your feature file, define the table rows
Scenario: View employees detail table
  Given I am an admin
  Then  I should see employees table like
        |name      |email     |  $amount  | yes/no | url* |
  • In your steps, get table rows as array of array
Then(/^I should see employees table like$/) do |definition|
  rows =
  expect(rows).to look_like(definition.rows)

List of Matchers

expect("").to look_like("email")
expect("").to look_like("")
expect("$53,23,1").to look_like("$amount")
expect("₹23,1.00").to look_like("₹amount")

expect("$53,23,1").to look_like("$12.21")
expect("₹23,1.00").to look_like("₹100.12")
expect("one").to look_like("one/two/three")
expect("four").not_to look_like("one/two/three")
expect("1-12-1-2").to look_like("/[\\d\\-]+/")
expect("$3.67").to look_like("/\\$(?<dollars>\\d+)\\.(?<cents>\\d+)/")
expect("$367").not_to look_like("/\\$(?<dollars>\\d+)\\.(?<cents>\\d+)/")
expect("").to look_like("")
expect("").to look_like("")
expect("google-com").not_to look_like("")
expect("").to look_like("email*")
expect("").not_to look_like("email*")
expect("").to look_like("email*")

expect("").to look_like("*")

expect("").to look_like("*")
expect("any-thing").to look_like("*")
expect("5000").to look_like("number")
expect("5,000").to look_like("number")
expect("5,43.11").to look_like("number")

expect("6993").to look_like("5000")
expect("5000").to look_like("5,000")
expect("$5000").not_to look_like("5000")
expect("12/13/2014").to look_like("date")
expect("12/13/2014").to look_like("DD/MM/YYYY")
expect("06/21/1987").to look_like("12/13/2014")

expect("1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00").to look_like("timestamp")
expect("2014-12-31 T 11:59:13").to look_like("YYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS")
expect("2014-12-31 T 11:59:13").to look_like("YYYY-MM-DD T hh:mm:ss")
expect("1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:00").to look_like("2011-02-05T18:23:30-05:00")
actual   = ["",  "₹300,20", ""]
expected = ["email"      , "₹amount" , "*"]
expect(actual).to look_like(expected)
actual   = [[""  ,  "₹300,20", "yes"],
            ["",  "₹301,20", "no" ],
            [""  ,  "₹121,20", ""   ]]
expected = [["email", "₹amount", "yes/no*"]]

expect(actual).to look_like(expected)


  • After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies.
  • Then, run rake spec to run the tests.
  • You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
  • To install this gem locally, run bundle exec rake install.
  • To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release
  • Release task will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to
  • Build report :
  • Coverage report :



The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.