pyQuickBase is an MIT licensed client library for the Intuit QuickBase API, using Requests for HTTP, and lxml is used for XML processing.
- Fixed _parse_records to check for <url> child in structured record fields (for file downloading).
- Added a new return_file function to retrieve a QuickBase file as a Python file object.
- Fixed a readme issue.
- Made the package pip installable.
- Added support for uploading files with add_record module.
To install pyQuickBase, simply:
$ pip install pyquickbase
- add_record
- add_replace_db_page
- delete_record
- do_query
- do_query_count
- edit_record
- get_db_page
- get_schema
- granted_dbs
- import_from_csv
- list_db_pages
- get_file -- used in conjunction with a query and specified attachment field ID, can download one or many files from a table to local folder.
Initialize the client:
>>> import quickbase
>>> client = quickbase.Client(username, password, database=database,
apptoken=token, base_url=url)
List all records in a table:
>>> import datetime
>>> response = client.do_query(query="'3'.XEX.''}", structured=True,
columns='a', database=database)
>>> for record in response:
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(r['1']) / 1000).strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
print "Record ID# %s was created on %s" % (record['3'], dt)
MIT, See license file.
Developed by Kevin V Seelbach. You may email me directly if you have questions or need help.
- Fork the repository on GitHub to start making your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
- Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected.