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Recipe Genie is a recipe recommendation system that recommends recipes to users based on the ingredients they have at home.


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Recipe Genie 🍲✨

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Recipe Genie is a web application that helps users discover recipes based on the ingredients they have on hand. Simply enter your ingredients, and Recipe Genie will provide you with a list of delicious recipes to try.

Features 🌟

  • Ingredient-based Recipe Recommendations: Input your ingredients, and Recipe Genie will suggest recipes that you can make with those ingredients.
  • Flexible Search: Recipe Genie supports a wide range of ingredients, so you can find recipes for almost any combination of items in your pantry.
  • Detailed Recipe Information: View detailed information about each recipe, including title, description, total time, ingredients, and instructions.
  • Interactive User Interface: Recipe Genie provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to search for recipes and explore new culinary ideas.

Technologies Used 🛠️

  • Python: Backend development using Python programming language.
  • Flask: Web framework used for building the backend server.
  • Pandas: Data manipulation and analysis library used for handling recipe data.
  • scikit-learn: Machine learning library used for text vectorization and similarity calculation.
  • HTML/CSS: Frontend design and styling.
  • JavaScript: Client-side scripting for dynamic interactions.
  • Render: Platform used for deploying the application.

Project Details 📝

  1. Data Collection: 📊

    The recipe data was scraped from using a Python web scraping tool like Beautiful Soup. The following steps were taken:
  • Identify the Data: Determined which recipe attributes were necessary (e.g., title, ingredients, instructions).
  • Scraping Process: Wrote scripts to crawl the website and extract the relevant data. This involved sending HTTP requests to the website, parsing the HTML content, and extracting the desired information.
  • Save the Data: The scraped data was saved in CSV format for further processing.

  1. Data Preprocessing: 🍅

    Once the data was collected, it required preprocessing. This included:
  • Tokenization: Split the ingredient text into individual words using NLTK's word tokenizer.
  • Stopwords Removal: Removed common English stopwords that do not contribute to the meaning using NLTK's stopwords list.
  • Stemming: Reduced words to their root form using NLTK's PorterStemmer.
  • Unwanted Words and Measurements Removal: Excluded specific unwanted words and common measurement terms that do not add value to the ingredient description.
  • Regex Cleaning: Removed any non-alphabetic characters and parentheses.

  1. Text Vectorization and Similarity Calculation: 🔍

    To recommend recipes based on ingredients, the following steps were taken:
  • TF-IDF Vectorization: Used the TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) method from scikit-learn to convert the ingredient lists into numerical vectors. This method helps in giving more importance to unique ingredients while reducing the weight of common ingredients.

  • Cosine Similarity: Calculated the similarity between the user's input ingredients and the recipes using cosine similarity. This metric measures the cosine of the angle between two vectors, providing a similarity score.

  1. Building the web application with Flask: 🌐

  • Backend Setup: Created a Flask application to handle user requests and serve the recommendations. The Flask app processes the user's input, calculates the similarity scores, and returns the top 5 recommended recipes based on the similarity scores.

  • Frontend Design: Used HTML and CSS to create the user interface. JavaScript was added for dynamic interactions, such as displaying recipe details in a modal window.

  1. Deploying the Application on Render: 🚀
  • Setup Render Account: Created an account on Render and set up a new web service.

  • Deployment: Pushed the application code to this Git repository. Connected the repository to Render and deployed the application by following Render's deployment guide.

Usage 🎉

  1. Access the Application: Visit the Recipe Genie website at ( to access the application.
  2. Input Ingredients: Enter the ingredients you have on hand into the provided input field.
  3. Get Recipe Recommendations: Click on the "Get Recipes" button to receive a list of recommended recipes based on your ingredients.
  4. Explore Recipes: Browse through the list of recommended recipes, and click on any recipe to view more details, including ingredients and instructions.


Acknowledgements 🙏

  • Recipes were scraped from Pinch of Yum.
  • Background image for the website was sourced from Freepik and created by rorozoa.
  • Special thanks to Render for providing a platform for deploying web applications easily.