Project to investigate and understand the risks of getting the COVID vaccine. My first data analysis project with Python so done with the intent to learn. Feel free to use any parts of the data / code as you please but give credit where credit is due.
Keep in mind the data sets were pulled into Pandas locally and Jupyter notebooks was used as the IDE. If you have questions as to why I did things one way or another, I probably don't know as I still have no idea how computers work. Ask away though.
Code is included in file: COVID Vaccine Investigation -Copy2
Data sets used:
- VAERS (primary dataset):
- Our World in Data:
- Injury facts:
- COVID risk percentages:
- CDC COVID data:
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data (CSV's in folder):
- 2020 cases
- 2021 cases
CDC COVID / Vaccine data:
- age groups of people with dose administered
- deaths by age group
- cases by age group