This is an example of libnklabs running on an FPGA-based SoC. The processor is PICORV32- a small RISC-V implementation. The FPGA is a Lattice Semiconductor LFE5U-85F-6BG381I (ECP5) on a ULX3S board from Radiona.
Photo of the board:
The ULX3S board has an FTDI USB to serial adapter IC on it. The libnklabs CLI appears on this serial port.
Here is a block diagram of the SoC, showing CPU addresses of each block:
The SPI-flash IC on the ULX3S is used both to store the FPGA .bit file and to hold the up to 1MB software image for the RISC-V. Here is a memory map of the SPI-flash IC:
- 0x000_0000 - .... FPGA .bit file: the FPGA configured itself from this on power up
- 0x060_0000 - 0x06F_FFFF Bank 0 firmware
- 0x0E0_0000 - 0x0EF_FFFF Bank 1 firmware
- 0x0FC_0000 - 0x0FC_FFFF Database bank 0
- 0x0FD_0000 - 0x0FD_FFFF Database bank 1
- 0x0FE_0000 Bank select bit (bit 0 of first byte)
The bank select bit indicates which bank will hold the active firmware on the next reboot. The idea is that after a firmware update, this bit is flipped as the last step, after the firmware's CRC has been verified. If there is a power outage during an upgrade, the bit will not have been flipped, so the older firmware is used.
The firmware from the selected bank is mapped to 0x0010_0000 - 0x001F_FFFF. An instruction cache speeds access to this bank. A mechanism is provided for software to read, write and erase any part of the SPI-flash IC. The software must not modify the active bank. This is sometimes known as "execute in place".
The SPI-flash IC can be used to store other data beyond the software image and FPGA .bit file. The example shows how a database can be stored in the SPI-flash: this is what the database bank 0 and bank 1 areas are for.
RAM: 64KB of RAM is provided for the software. This is implemented using FPGA block RAMs.
Clock: This is a register that counts CPU clock cycles. It is used for the nksched.
UART: A UART with 32-byte receive and transmit FIFOs is provided for the CLI.
The LED_REG is provided to control some ULX3S LEDs. This is useful for CPU bringup. Progress codes are written to these LEDs by the software startup code.
The CPU_FREQ register hold the CPU frequency in Hz.
There is a bus bridge to the main system bus. This main bus runs at the frequency of your main FPGA design. This allows the cpu bus and main bus to run at different frequencies.
On the main bus is an identification register, a test read/write register, and interrupt status and enable regsiters.
PLL supplies the clock for both the CPU bus and the main bus. ULX3S has a 25 MHz oscillator to feed the PLL.
I highly recommend that you use Environment Modules to manage multiple versions of vendor software tools. See:
With environment modules, you can select a particular version of an installed to use:
module add diamond/3.11
Here is my module file for Lattice Diamond (install as /modulesfiles/diamond/3.11):
proc ModulesHelp { } {
global version modroot
puts stderr "diamond/3.11"
module-whatis "Sets the environment Lattice Diamond 3.11"
# for Tcl script use only
set topdir /opt/lattice/diamond
set version 3.11_x64
set sys linux86
setenv LSC_DIAMOND true
setenv FOUNDRY /opt/lattice/diamond/3.11_x64/ispfpga
setenv TCL_LIBRARY /opt/lattice/diamond/3.11_x64/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/lattice/diamond/3.11_x64/bin/lin64
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/lattice/diamond/3.11_x64/ispfpga/bin/lin64
prepend-path LM_LICENSE_FILE /opt/lattice/diamond/3.11_x64/license/license.dat
prepend-path PATH /opt/lattice/diamond/3.11_x64/bin/lin64
prepend-path PATH /opt/lattice/diamond/3.11_x64/ispfpga/bin/lin64
I use Icarus Verilog for simulation and gtkwave for waveform viewing:
sudo apt-get install iverilog
sudo apt-get install gtkwave
The picorv32 project has a script to build it, so:
git clone
Follow instructions in file, starting with "make download-tools".
You need the ULX3S board, you can get one from here:
You can get the Lattice Diamond software from here:
It's designed for RedHat, but I followed these instructions for installing Diamond on Ubuntu:
NOTE - Make sure that the tools end up in /opt, e.g.:
sudo cp -Rva --no-preserve=ownership ./usr/local/diamond /opt/lattice/
You will need a license from Lattice. Your right to it is included with the purchase of the ECP5 Evaluation Board, but you need to request it from their web-site. Once you have the license file, copy it to:
I tried using LSE (Lattice Synthesis Engine) at first, but it was crashing with mysterious errors, so I switched to Synplify Pro (a high quality logic synthesis tools included with with Diamond). But I found that the bash shell scripts used to launch Synplify reference /bin/sh, which is linked to "dash" on Ubuntu. Simple solution is to link /bin/sh to /bin/bash instead of /bin/dash.
sudo rm /bin/sh
sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh
If you are not using environment modules:
export bindir=/opt/lattice/diamond/3.11_x64/bin/lin64
source ${bindir}/diamond_env
If you are using environment modules:
module add diamond
In either case:
cd fpga
Start diamond:
module add diamond
diamond &
You should see:
Click on "open project" and select ra.ldf:
The project should open:
Double-click on "Bitstream File" to build the chip:
Eventually it will finish:
Start the programmer with:
programmer &
The programming should start:
Once the FPGA is programmed, the firmware will start and you should see this one the serial console: