The team has to build a text processing pipeline that performs a text classification on the given corpus: all the assigned datasets refer to Entity Extraction use cases, that can be solved applying a text classification approach at token level (Token-based Classification)
The project MUST show:
Data Exploratory Analysis (DEA)
- Data preparation, cleaning: to clean the data from the raw dataset provided.
- Exploratory Data Analysis using Data Visualization tools to show data variables from statistical distribution (frequency, coverage) to linguistic information (pos, depparse, lemmas)
- LDA or NMF can be used, if needed, for studying the text distribution.
Neural Network approach
- Use one Neural Network type to classify the data (feed forward, RNN, LSTM, BiLSTM , GRU)
- Show metrics for the implementation strategy
Transformer-based Approach
- Use a Transformer based / Language Model model to classify the data (*BERT)
- Show metrics for the implementation strategy
A comparison about the models
- the project MUST implement an interactive DashBoard that combines
- the Data Exploratory Analysis with dynamic charts about the dataset
- the metrics about the different strategies applied
- the ability to have a input box to test the categorizer and to see how it works, moving from a model to another.
- the project MUST implement an interactive DashBoard that combines
The project MUST be developed on Jupyter or Colab, and in a customer-ready form that means
- well-documented
- with descriptions about all the steps
- all the materials to reproduce them such as data and models, and instruction to run the dashboard - a Github repository is more than welcome
You can find the dataset into your team folder, available in this repository.
As all the exams are on Thursdays, the project as to be delivered by previous Tuesday 8pm CET.