Select a bible verse (or something similar) at random! This code uses the German Elberfelder Bibel from 1905.
Be greeted with a Bible verse when you log in to your shell.
- sh (i.e. bash
- awk (i.e. gawk)
- make (i.e. gmake)
- tar (i.e. GNU tar)
- sed
- wc
- cat (usually included in your shell)
- chmod (usually a system utility)
If you follow every step of the following guide, you should also check whether you have git
The default build uses the German Elberfelder Bibel as its source.
- Get this repository:
git clone
- Do this:
cd vs
- Make.
make vs
- Put your executable wherever you want.
mv vs /path/to/wherever/you/want
You might want something else than the German Elberfelder Bibel. The file to use needs to be of the same format as elb.tsv
in the repository, that is
- the bookname,
- short cut name of the book,
- book number,
- chapter number,
- verse number,
- verse content
in each line, tab-separated. If you use anthing comparable in scale to a bible, for example a bible, I advise you to use a script to generate the file.
Then, proceed with the following steps:
- Get this repository:
git clone
- Do this:
cd vs
- Make.
make gen
– Note that you make the correct file, asvs
will be useless for using a custom.tsv
at this point. - Copy your custom
-file into this directory (or copygen
to the directory with your custom.tsv
-file and go there). - Do this:
./gen yourcustomfile.tsv
, but replaceyourcustomfile.tsv
with the name of your custom.tsv
-file. - Put your executable wherever you want.
mv vs /path/to/wherever/you/want
To create a tsv file with the correct format, I added a python helper script to help with the conversion from bibles of the Zefanja project to the needed format.
Download the XML-file from the provided link that corresponds to the bible you wish to use and move it to the directory where your helper script is located. Then type python3 [your-xml-file] > [your-bible].tsv
, but replace [your-xml-file]
and [your-bible]
with the real name of the XML-file and the name of your bible translation.
gen --help
gen -h
gen [-o <Outputfile>] <Inputfile>
To be greeted by a bible verse on login, you need to write the following line in to your profile file:
where path/to/your/vs
is the path to your compiled file.
If you use bash, your profile file is ~/.bashrc
. Its zsh equivalent is ~/.config/zshrc
. On other shells, your profile file is usually ~/.profile
Open an issue on this repository.