released this
05 Mar 10:04
Major Features And Improvements
Supported a facility to customize TAOS bot name
webhook: Added commit number and action state to webhook interface
Tizen: Supported manual profile to handle lots of repos
webapp: Added PR handler menu
webapp: Added PR handler to handle incorrect report of CI module
badge:Added coverity badge file with jason
CI module: Added coverity module for static analysis
module: Added flawfinder checker for finding security flaws
module: added new module to check syntax errors in shell script
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
Published a domestic journal
Added how to generate a badge
Added array var to support colorizing terminal
coverity: fixed the incorrect handling for doc files …
coverity: Enabled yellow card & red card policy
coverity module: Removed hardcoded variables
coverity module: Added comment message format
Added webhook API to display a cmd dependency
[Android] update prerequisites to build API
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