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Valet Pro Max is a development environment for macOS. No Vagrant, no Docker, no /etc/hosts file. This project uses laravel/valet as a dependency.


⚠️ Valet Pro Max requires macOS and Homebrew. Before installation, you should make sure that no other programs such as Apache or Nginx are binding to your local machine's port 80.

⚠️ Valet Pro Max requires Composer to be installed. It's NOT recommended to install Composer via Homebrew.

To get started, you first need to ensure that Homebrew is up-to-date using the update command:

brew update

Next, you should use Homebrew to install PHP 8.1 (using shivammathur/php):

brew tap shivammathur/php
brew install shivammathur/php/php@8.1
brew link php@8.1 --force
brew services restart php@8.1

⚠️ If you're switching from Valet+ 2.x use the extra following steps.

  • Uninstall Valet+ with valet uninstall first.
  • Remove Valet+ package with composer global remove weprovide/valet-plus.
  • For more information how to migrate from Valet+ - check this documentation

Install Valet Pro Max 1.x-dev with composer:

composer global require nntoan/valet-pro-max:1.x-dev

Finally, you may execute the Valet Pro Max install command. This will configure and install Valet Pro Max, Nginx, DnsMasq and other services. In addition, use --help to see all installation options.

valet-pro install

The daemons Valet Pro Max depends on will be configured to launch when your system starts. Once Valet Pro Max is installed, try pinging any *.test domain on your terminal using a command such as ping foobar.test. If Valet Pro Max is installed correctly you should see this domain responding on

Valet Pro Max features

Here are a few key differences compared to the original Valet:

  • Nginx config optimization
  • PHP extensions (mcrypt, intl, opcache, yaml, apcu, ds, imagick)
  • MySQL (mysql@5.7, mysql@8.0, mysql@8.1, mariadb)
    • DB commands (list, create, drop, reset, (re)import, export, open)
  • Mailhog (on/off mode)
  • Varnish (on/off mode)
  • Redis (on/off mode)
  • Rabbitmq (on/off mode)
  • Xdebug (on/off mode)
  • Memcache (on/off mode)
  • Elasticsearch v6, v7, v8 (on/off mode) using Docker
  • Opensearch v1, v2 (on/off mode) using Homebrew
  • Ioncube (on/off mode)
  • Rewrite/unrewrite public domain to local environment
  • DevTools
  • Binaries (magerun, magerun2, drush, wp-cli, shopware-cli, shopify-cli)
  • Log rotation for Valet Pro Max services (nginx, mysql, phpfpm). To prevent big logfiles consume all disk storage.

Changes vs Valet+

  • Use command valet-pro instead of valet.
  • Rename .env.valet to .valet-env.php.
  • Use command valet-pro elasticsearch|es use <version> instead of valet use elasticsearch|es <version>.
  • Use as Redis host instead of /tmp/redis.sock.
  • Choose which binaries to install (default all) and self-update on valet-pro install command.
  • Adds dependency on Docker for Elasticsearch, see
  • Supports Opensearch using Homebrew maintainer tap.


This project is a fork of weprovide/valet-plus. Thanks to all of the contributors, especially the original authors: