A simple object-oriented approach to data in the Smite API (a game from Hi-Rez Studios).
For use within WordPress, consider using the official WP plugin from Hi-Rez.
For more information about the Smite API, refer to the official API documentation.
- PHP 5.4 or greater
- DevID and AuthKey from Hi-Rez (submit this form)
$ composer require curse/smite-api
// Create api
$api = new Curse\Smite\API(DEV_ID, AUTH_KEY);
// optional session caching via many providers
// see https://github.com/onoi/cache/
$api->useCache(new \Onoi\Cache\ZendCache($zendCacheThing));
$api->useCache(new \Onoi\Cache\DoctrineCache($doctrineCacheThing));
$api->useCache(new \Onoi\Cache\MediaWikiCache(wfGetCache(CACHE_ANYTHING)));
// returns objects by default
// will now return assoc arrays
// returns english language gods and item names by default
// use IETF language tag to select language
// (latin america becomes es-419)
// get player info
$playerData = $api->getplayer($playerName);
// get info on silver 3 ladder in season 4
$ladderData = $api->getleagueleaderboard('Conquest5v5', 'Silver3', 4);
- Fork
git clone
composer install
- Hack
- Confirm (and write new) passing tests:
- Submit pull request
Copyright 2015 Curse, Inc.
Free for you to use under LGPLv3. See LICENSE for an abundance of words.