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Subhajit Sahu edited this page Feb 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

Noun exceptions of English WordNet as Lists.

Formats: default, min, lists, lists.min.

const NOUN_EXCEPTIONS = require('@extra-wordnet.english/noun-exceptions.lists');
// [[word], [exception]]

console.log(NOUN_EXCEPTIONS[0][1], '=>', NOUN_EXCEPTIONS[1][1]);
// abaci => abacus

console.log(NOUN_EXCEPTIONS[0][14], '=>', NOUN_EXCEPTIONS[1][14]);
// acre-feet => acre-foot

console.log(NOUN_EXCEPTIONS[0][247], '=>', NOUN_EXCEPTIONS[1][247]);
// broadcast_media => broadcast_medium

console.log(NOUN_EXCEPTIONS[0][700], '=>', NOUN_EXCEPTIONS[1][700]);
// figs. => fig.


  • Princeton University "About WordNet." WordNet. Princeton University. 2010.
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