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Subhajit Sahu edited this page May 3, 2021 · 3 revisions

Finds pagerank of all vertices.

$ nvgraph pagerank "input" [options]
# input: path of input graph (.mtx)
# -o, --output: path of output file (.json, .yaml)
# -r, --repeat: call nvgraph function multiple times [1]
# -f, --full:   write full results to output file [false]
# -a, --alpha:     damping factor [0.85]
# -t, --tolerance: convergence error [1e-6]
# -i, --max_iter:  max number of rounds [500]
# → returns ranks
## Find pagerank of all vertices with default parameters
## : save full results in "out.json"
$ nvgraph pagerank -o out.json -f web-Google.mtx

## Find pagerank of all vertices
## : with damping factor (alpha) 0.9
## : with convergence error (tolerance) 1e-3
## : with max rounds (max_iter) 100
## : repeat 10 times for accurate execution time
$ nvgraph pagerank -r 10 web-Google.mtx -a 0.9 -t 1e-3 -i 100
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