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tools: update ESLint to 3.19.0
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Backport-PR-URL: #12504
PR-URL: #12162
Reviewed-By: Teddy Katz <>
Reviewed-By: Michaël Zasso <>
Reviewed-By: Yuta Hiroto <>
Reviewed-By: James M Snell <>
Reviewed-By: Colin Ihrig <>
  • Loading branch information
Trott authored and MylesBorins committed May 2, 2017
1 parent 312091a commit 736a736
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Showing 373 changed files with 23,484 additions and 10,735 deletions.
3,939 changes: 3,939 additions & 0 deletions tools/eslint/

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion tools/eslint/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ These folks keep the project moving and are resources for help.
* Toru Nagashima ([@mysticatea](
* Alberto Rodríguez ([@alberto](
* Kai Cataldo ([@kaicataldo](
* Teddy Katz ([@not-an-aardvark](

### Development Team

Expand All @@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ These folks keep the project moving and are resources for help.
* Kevin Partington ([@platinumazure](
* Vitor Balocco ([@vitorbal](
* James Henry ([@JamesHenry](
* Teddy Katz ([@not-an-aardvark](
* Reyad Attiyat ([@soda0289](

## Releases

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,81 @@
"parser": "espree",
"ecmaFeatures": {},
"rules": {
* @fileoverview Configuration applied when a user configuration extends from
* eslint:recommended.
* @author Nicholas C. Zakas

"use strict";

/* eslint sort-keys: ["error", "asc"], quote-props: ["error", "consistent"] */
/* eslint-disable sort-keys */

module.exports = {
parser: "espree",
ecmaFeatures: {},

rules: {

/* eslint-enable sort-keys */
"accessor-pairs": "off",
"array-bracket-spacing": "off",
"array-callback-return": "off",
"arrow-body-style": "off",
"arrow-parens": "off",
"arrow-spacing": "off",
"block-scoped-var": "off",
"block-spacing": "off",
"brace-style": "off",
"callback-return": "off",
"camelcase": "off",
"capitalized-comments": "off",
"class-methods-use-this": "off",
"comma-dangle": "off",
"comma-spacing": "off",
"comma-style": "off",
"complexity": "off",
"computed-property-spacing": "off",
"consistent-return": "off",
"consistent-this": "off",
"constructor-super": "error",
"curly": "off",
"default-case": "off",
"dot-location": "off",
"dot-notation": "off",
"eol-last": "off",
"eqeqeq": "off",
"func-call-spacing": "off",
"func-name-matching": "off",
"func-names": "off",
"func-style": "off",
"generator-star-spacing": "off",
"global-require": "off",
"guard-for-in": "off",
"handle-callback-err": "off",
"id-blacklist": "off",
"id-length": "off",
"id-match": "off",
"indent": "off",
"init-declarations": "off",
"jsx-quotes": "off",
"key-spacing": "off",
"keyword-spacing": "off",
"line-comment-position": "off",
"linebreak-style": "off",
"lines-around-comment": "off",
"lines-around-directive": "off",
"max-depth": "off",
"max-len": "off",
"max-lines": "off",
"max-nested-callbacks": "off",
"max-params": "off",
"max-statements": "off",
"max-statements-per-line": "off",
"multiline-ternary": "off",
"new-cap": "off",
"new-parens": "off",
"newline-after-var": "off",
"newline-before-return": "off",
"newline-per-chained-call": "off",
"no-alert": "off",
"no-array-constructor": "off",
"no-await-in-loop": "off",
Expand All @@ -10,6 +84,7 @@
"no-case-declarations": "error",
"no-catch-shadow": "off",
"no-class-assign": "error",
"no-compare-neg-zero": "off",
"no-cond-assign": "error",
"no-confusing-arrow": "off",
"no-console": "error",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +136,7 @@
"no-mixed-operators": "off",
"no-mixed-requires": "off",
"no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": "error",
"no-multi-assign": "off",
"no-multi-spaces": "off",
"no-multi-str": "off",
"no-multiple-empty-lines": "off",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,20 +175,20 @@
"no-sequences": "off",
"no-shadow": "off",
"no-shadow-restricted-names": "off",
"no-whitespace-before-property": "off",
"no-spaced-func": "off",
"no-sparse-arrays": "error",
"no-sync": "off",
"no-tabs": "off",
"no-template-curly-in-string": "off",
"no-ternary": "off",
"no-trailing-spaces": "off",
"no-this-before-super": "error",
"no-throw-literal": "off",
"no-trailing-spaces": "off",
"no-undef": "error",
"no-undef-init": "off",
"no-undefined": "off",
"no-unexpected-multiline": "error",
"no-underscore-dangle": "off",
"no-unexpected-multiline": "error",
"no-unmodified-loop-condition": "off",
"no-unneeded-ternary": "off",
"no-unreachable": "error",
Expand All @@ -129,70 +205,12 @@
"no-useless-escape": "off",
"no-useless-rename": "off",
"no-useless-return": "off",
"no-void": "off",
"no-var": "off",
"no-void": "off",
"no-warning-comments": "off",
"no-whitespace-before-property": "off",
"no-with": "off",
"array-bracket-spacing": "off",
"array-callback-return": "off",
"arrow-body-style": "off",
"arrow-parens": "off",
"arrow-spacing": "off",
"accessor-pairs": "off",
"block-scoped-var": "off",
"block-spacing": "off",
"brace-style": "off",
"callback-return": "off",
"camelcase": "off",
"capitalized-comments": "off",
"class-methods-use-this": "off",
"comma-dangle": "off",
"comma-spacing": "off",
"comma-style": "off",
"complexity": "off",
"computed-property-spacing": "off",
"consistent-return": "off",
"consistent-this": "off",
"constructor-super": "error",
"curly": "off",
"default-case": "off",
"dot-location": "off",
"dot-notation": "off",
"eol-last": "off",
"eqeqeq": "off",
"func-call-spacing": "off",
"func-names": "off",
"func-name-matching": "off",
"func-style": "off",
"generator-star-spacing": "off",
"global-require": "off",
"guard-for-in": "off",
"handle-callback-err": "off",
"id-blacklist": "off",
"id-length": "off",
"id-match": "off",
"indent": "off",
"init-declarations": "off",
"jsx-quotes": "off",
"key-spacing": "off",
"keyword-spacing": "off",
"linebreak-style": "off",
"line-comment-position": "off",
"lines-around-comment": "off",
"lines-around-directive": "off",
"max-depth": "off",
"max-len": "off",
"max-lines": "off",
"max-nested-callbacks": "off",
"max-params": "off",
"max-statements": "off",
"max-statements-per-line": "off",
"multiline-ternary": "off",
"new-cap": "off",
"new-parens": "off",
"newline-after-var": "off",
"newline-before-return": "off",
"newline-per-chained-call": "off",
"nonblock-statement-body-position": "off",
"object-curly-newline": "off",
"object-curly-spacing": ["off", "never"],
"object-property-newline": "off",
Expand All @@ -206,6 +224,7 @@
"prefer-const": "off",
"prefer-destructuring": "off",
"prefer-numeric-literals": "off",
"prefer-promise-reject-errors": "off",
"prefer-reflect": "off",
"prefer-rest-params": "off",
"prefer-spread": "off",
Expand All @@ -219,8 +238,8 @@
"rest-spread-spacing": "off",
"semi": "off",
"semi-spacing": "off",
"sort-keys": "off",
"sort-imports": "off",
"sort-keys": "off",
"sort-vars": "off",
"space-before-blocks": "off",
"space-before-function-paren": "off",
Expand All @@ -231,15 +250,15 @@
"strict": "off",
"symbol-description": "off",
"template-curly-spacing": "off",
"template-tag-spacing": "off",
"unicode-bom": "off",
"use-isnan": "error",
"valid-jsdoc": "off",
"valid-typeof": "error",
"vars-on-top": "off",
"wrap-iife": "off",
"wrap-regex": "off",
"no-template-curly-in-string": "off",
"yield-star-spacing": "off",
"yoda": "off"

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