Play with DNS over HTTPS and much more!
Dealdoh is a DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) proxy and a library around DNS messaging written in PHP.
This library gives ability to proxy DoH requests and/or to send DNS queries with standard UDP/TCP and various modern and secure DNS protocols like DNSCrypt, DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH), GoogleDNS.
It attempts to achieve the following goals:
- provide high-compatibility with a large variety of DNS protocols.
- provide a well-designed abstraction layer for development around DNS in PHP.
- DoH proxy middleware PSR-15/PSR-7 compliant.
- Create and forward DNS messages to different type of DNS upstream resolvers.
- Forward DNS query through multiple DNS upstream resolvers.
- Compatible with DNS protocols: RFC-1035 (Plain DNS over TCP/UDP), RFC-8484 (DoH), Google DoH API, DNSCrypt
- Abstraction layer around DNS development.
- Parse DNS stamps
dealdoh-client is a CLI utility which offers a ready-to-use implementation of this library to send and forward DNS queries.
- PHP 7.3
- Web server
- Optional: HTTPS enabled with valid certificates (self-signed certificates can work but it depends of the DOH client making the queries)
composer require noglitchyo/dealdoh
method consumes PSR-7 ServerRequest. Some compatible implementations which can be used:- -
composer require nyholm/psr7
- -
composer require guzzle/psr7
- -
composer require zendframework/zend-diactoros
- -
Configure your application to call
Testing the installation
As recommended in RFC-8484, usually, DoH client/server will send/receive DNS requests on the path: /dns-query
Your application should be configured to listen on this route.
A large variety of DoH client exists than can be used to test the installation.
Using client from Web Browser
Mozilla Firefox provides a Trusted Recursive Resolver who can be configured to query DoH servers. This article from Daniel Stenberg provides a lot of details about TRR and how to configure it. Please check also the browser implementations list.
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleClientAdapter;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Dns\Client\DnsCryptClient;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Dns\Client\DohClient;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Dns\Client\PlainDnsClient;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Dns\Resolver\DnsUpstreamPoolResolver;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Entity\DnsUpstreamPool;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Mapper\DnsCrypt\AuthenticatedEncryptionMapper;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Mapper\HttpResponseMapper;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Mapper\MessageMapper;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Middleware\DohResolverMiddleware;
use NoGlitchYo\Dealdoh\Repository\DnsCrypt\CertificateRepository;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
$messageMapper = new MessageMapper();
// Initialize the DNS clients to use with the resolver
$dnsClients = [
new DohClient(new GuzzleClientAdapter(new GuzzleClient()), $messageMapper),
new PlainDnsClient($messageMapper),
new DnsCryptClient(new AuthenticatedEncryptionMapper(), new CertificateRepository(), $messageMapper)
// Initialize the list of DNS upstreams to use to resolve the DNS queries
$dnsUpstreamPool = new DnsUpstreamPool([
// Initialize the DNS resolver with the list of upstreams and the list of clients able to exchange with the upstreams
$dnsResolver = new DnsUpstreamPoolResolver($dnsUpstreamPool, $dnsClients);
// Create the ResolverMiddleware with the created DnsResolver
$dohMiddleware = new DohResolverMiddleware($dnsResolver, $messageMapper, new HttpResponseMapper($messageMapper));
/** @var $response ResponseInterface */
$response = $dohMiddleware->forward(/* Expect a \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface object */);
Checkout some really simple integration examples to get a glimpse on how it can be done:
If you wish to run the test, checkout the project and run the test with:
composer test
Get started here
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details