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Piiit edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 3 revisions


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Download and install the heroku cli tool.

Install heroku plugins first: heroku plugins:install heroku-cli-deploy.

Generate a new heroku app with heroku apps:create <app-name>, check its status with heroku apps:info -a <app-name>. The app-name is the prefix of your heroku url, for instance would give shielded-everglades-65683 as a name.

Generate a war-file with mvn compile war:war for example, test it with heroku war:run <path/to/file.war>, and finally deploy it with HEROKU_DEBUG=1 heroku war:deploy <path/to/file.war> within your heroku app directory.

User-defined variables can be set with heroku config:set KEY=value.


heroku plugins:install heroku-cli-deploy
heroku login
heroku apps:info -a shielded-everglades-65683
heroku war:deploy target/chatbot-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war --app shielded-everglades-65683


Debug currently running apps with the following command executed within your local heroku app directory:

heroku logs --tail