#Assignment: PA 1 #####Written by: Noranda Brown #####Version: 2014.1.18
###Data The data set, ml-100k, consists of 100,000 ratings of 1682 movies from 943 users downloaded from http://www.grouplens.org. The main data set u.data consists of 100,000 rows where each row has 4 tab-separated items: user_id, movie_id, rating, and timestamp.
###Program Class: MovieData
- Initializes instance variable @movies
as a hash.
- Reads in data from the original ml-100k/u.data file and stores movie objects in a hash.
- Returns a number (0 - 100) that indicates the popularity (higher numbers are more popular). Note: Popularity is calculated by summing the ratings for the movie and normalizing the result. This takes into account not only the average rating, but also the number of times a movie has been reviewed. i.e. sum_ratings / num_ratings (to get the average rating) * num_ratings (to account for multiple reviews) = sum_ratings -> normalize
- Generates a list of all movie_id’s ordered by decreasing popularity.
similarity(user1, user2)
- Generates a number (0 - 100) which indicates the similarity in movie preference between user1 and user2 (higher numbers indicate greater similarity).
most_similar(u, number_of_users = 5)
- Returns a list of the top number_of_users (default = 5) whose tastes are most similar to the tastes of user u.
- Private method that returns a list of all users except u.
Class: Movie
- Initializes instance variables @movie_id
, @user_ratings
, and @sum_ratings
add_rating(user_id, rating, timestamp)
- Adds a user_id, rating and timestamp to a movie.
- Returns the sum of all ratings for a movie.
- Returns true if user_id has rated a movie and false otherwise.
- Returns the user rating from user_id for a movie.
- Returns a list of users that have reviewed a movie.
Class: UserRating
initialize(user_id, rating, timestamp)
- Initializes instance variables @user_id
, @rating
, and @timestamp
- Describe an algorithm to predict the ranking that a user U would give to a movie M assuming the user hasn’t already ranked the movie in the dataset.
sum = most_similar(user_id, 20).inject(0) { |sum, user| sum + user_rating(user) }
count = most_similar(user_id, 20).inject(0) { |count, user| count + 1 if user_rated?(user) }
(sum / count).to_i
This algorithm calculates the average rating of the top 20 most similar users.
Does your algorithms scale? What factors determine the execution time of your “most_similar” and “popularity_list” algorithms.
While this algorithm would work, it would not scale very well, primarily due to the
method which requires calculating the similarity between the user and all other users. Thus, the more users, the less efficient the algorithm.