stockMN is a local product trader managing simple program set. It includes a simple apartment management feature, a simple product selling helper, a simple godown management feature.
Here is my backup repository and you can clone or download it for free.
Software Created date: 2007 (Finished and out of support)
Download or clone the git as:
$> git clone
Open stockMN.exe on 'stockMN-exe/stockMN_1.3.1/x64[or]x86/Release/stockMN.exe'
Login to the programe.
Program will update DB support version 1.3 at the first time. Close the program when the update has done.
Open and login with your account again.
User: admin
Pass: admin
If you have getting some error message something like this "The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine." or "The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.", check your Microsoft Office version and its bit operation support as x64 or x86. Install 'Microsoft Access Database Engine' feasible on your engine version. Microsoft Access Database Engine
If your system require .net framework 1.1, you can download and install it from Microsoft .Net framework 1.1 or using "dotnetfx.exe" of this repository.