Issue commands to your python app and reload its code on demand using SSH.
- RPC-like control over an SSH interface
- Code management through a plugin manager that supports reloading at runtime
So, you want to start your ssh server so you can issue commands to your application? Great! There are a couple of things you need to do before you start.
Generate a host key in RSA, DSA, or ECDSA format. Put this in a safe place on disk, for example, /home/crosshair/keys/id_host_rsa
Now you'll need to set up at least one key so you can access the server. Create a directory to store user keys, for example, /home/crosshair/keys/users/
Then put each user's public key in that directory in a file named
, for example, the user nicola
would have her key in /home/crosshair/keys/users/
Now you're all set with the keys you need to run a crosshair SSH server.
Public keys can be added or removed at any time, the server does not need to restart to pick up changes.
takes the following arguments to __init__
- host_key_fname: the filename of the host key
- public_keys_path: the path to where user's public keys are stored
- address: two tuple of address and port to listen on
from crosshair import ssh
server = ssh.SSHServer(
host_key_fname = '/home/crosshair/keys/host_rsa.key',
public_keys_path = '/home/crosshair/keys/public_keys/',
address = ('', 9045))
Now you have your SSH Server ready! You probably want to load the core plugins next:
from crosshair import plugins
Now start your server with:
Client usage example:
$ ssh -p 9045 -i ./admin admin@ list-commands
$ ssh -p 9045 -i ./admin admin@ help list-commands
usage: list-commands
$ ssh -p 9045 -i ./admin admin@ reload-plugins
Plugins reloaded.
If you have loaded the crosshair.commands
plugin, you will have these commands available:
- list-commands: Lists the available commands
- help : displays help for the specified command
- reload-plugins: reloads all crosshair plugins from disk
Commands should extend crosshair.commands.Command
, and implement the following methods:
- execute(self, channel): run the command, sending any output to
- setup_parser(self): Initialise
with an argument parser that extendscrosshair.commands.ArgumentParser
, which is a standard Pythonargparse.ArgumentParser
with slightly altered error handling
Once you have written your commands, register them with the plugin handler.
from crosshair import plugins
from crosshair import commands
class HelloWorldCommand(commands.Command):
def execute(self, channel):
channel.send('Hello, world!\n')
plugins.register_command_handler('hello-world', HelloWorldCommand)
Remember to load your command plugin like this:
from crosshair import plugins