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1. Installation

Andy Frank edited this page Aug 8, 2024 · 1 revision

This document covers installation and setup of the JasperService on Niagara:

  1. Supported Niagara versions
  2. Install Jasper Module
  3. User Setup
  4. Jasper Setup
  5. Rebuild Index

Jasper is compatible with Niagara 4.10 and later.

The first step is to install the module on both your Workbench and Station instances:

  1. Download the latest jasper-rt.jar from GitHub
  2. Rename the downloaded module to strip the version off (ie: jasper-rt-0.10.jar -> jasper-rt.jar)
  3. Copy the renamed module into the modules/ directory of your Niagara instance (both Workbench and Station)
  4. Restart instance to pick up the new module (both Workbench and Station)

Jasper uses industry-standard HTTP Basic Authentication over TLS to authenticate API access. The default Niagara authentication uses a non-standard digest algorithm originally designed for non-secure HTTP access. So, the first step is to create a new user for granting API access:

  1. Open Workbench and connect to your station instance
  2. Open the baja palette
  3. Find HTTPBasicScheme under AuthenticationServices/WebServicesSchemes
  4. Drag HTTPBasicScheme into your Station under Services/AuthenticationServices/WebServicesSchemes
  5. Create a new user and set Authentication Scheme Name to HTTPBasicScheme
  6. Verify user Roles has sufficient privileges

NOTE: Niagara will not allow a user with HTTPBasicScheme to login to the WebUI (regardless of TLS settings). So, you will need to test authentication via the API.

Now that you have the jasper-rt module installed and a new user created, the next step is to setup the JasperService:

  1. Open Workbench
  2. Open the jasper palette
  3. Drag the JasperService into the Services component on your Station
  4. The index should automatically be built when the component is added
  5. Verify in the Station logs that the index ran and completed

Jasper uses an in-memory index to map API requests to points in your Station efficiently. If any changes are made to your Station, the index may be outdated and will need to be rebuilt. You can rebuild the index anytime by right-clicking on the JasperService and invoking the Rebuild index action.

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