is an experimental architecture developed to provide consistency in every application component structure, making it predictable or easy to read.
The architecture is built using rxjava
. Its reactive nature will serve as an extra layer of abstraction from/to each MVP component. View push events to Presenter using a stream, Presenter will push states to View also using a stream. There is a good reason for doing this, and mainly to manage state. Jake Wharton has a great talk about this, in fact most of the idea here is from that talk, I encourage you to watch it. Managing states with RxJava by Jake Wharton
Like any kind of mvp
, Archx
have model-view-presenter
(obviously) but with a buffed presenter.
's presenter
extends Googles AAC ViewModel
for two reasons;
- It out-lives android-components (
) on configuration changes. - It can be shared between multiple android-components.
Using Googles AAC
will also mean that the consumer of this library will have to implement their own ViewModelFactory.
The Presenter's anatomy
.map{ event.toAction(); }
.scan(initialState, reducer())
.subscribe { stateRelay.accept(state); }
What was shown above is the very core of this architecture, this rest in the Presenter
. Where going to review each part.
Notice the two relays eventRelay
and stateRelay
, these are the ends of the presenter, it is for input and output respectively.
is an observable that relays events that is coming for the View
e.g mouse-clicks-event, list-bottom-reached-event or even an initial-event.
is an observable that relays the finish states which were a result from a specific event. The data flowing in this stream is a state
which holds a specific Instant
of the ui.
You kinda get here that it has a single direction, events-to-state. A little similar to Flux
by facebook, if you heard of it.
is a method returning an ObservableTransformmer
, this is the part where the actual logic is executed. Data emitted from eventRelay
is converted into action
then this yields results
. For example, consider a page with a list of dogs, here's the data flow from event to result; dogs-list-bottom-reached-event -> load-dogs-action -> dogs-loaded-result.
is the first state of the ui
is a BiFunction
that gets the previous state
and a result
, then yields a new state
. Continuing the example above it will become, dogs-list-bottom-reached-event -> load-dogs-action -> dogs-loaded-result -> dog-list-state.
Lastly, the state goes in to the stateRelay
ready to be emitted to any attached observable.
To understand further, let me give you a concrete version of the example above,
often looks like this, its a merge of action-method
override fun actionToResult(): ObservableTransformer<MainAction, MainResult> {
return ObservableTransformer {
it.publish {
This is an example eof an action-method
private fun loadDogs(): ObservableTransformer<MainAction.LoadMoreDogs, MainResult> {
return ObservableTransformer {
it.flatMap {
.map { MainResult.DogsLoaded( }
.onErrorReturn { MainResult.DogsLoadFail(it) }
Theres three parts I want to highlight in this observable transformer. First is the map { MainResult.DogsLoaded( }
, the result from different data source, like server for example, is wrap in to a result
. Now incase error is encoutered, the observable normally breaks and send a terminal data and we dont want that to happen, using onErrorReturn { MainResult.DogsLoadFail(it) }
, errors will be catched and wrapped as a result
. Then the startWith(MainResult.DogsLoading)
, this is called before the dogsRepository.loadDogs()
In the reducer()
each result
has its state
method counterpart.
override fun reducer(): BiFunction<MainState, MainResult, MainState> {
return BiFunction { prevState, result ->
when(result) {
is MainResult.DogsLoaded ->
is MainResult.DogsLoading ->
is MainResult.DogsLoadFail ->
Now lets look at the state
data class MainState(val dogs: List<Dogs>,
val isLoading: Boolean,
val error: Throwable?) : State {
companion object {
fun initial() = MainState(emptyList(), false, null)
fun dogsLoaded(dogs: List<Dog>): MainState {
return copy(
dogs = dogs,
isLoading = false,
error = null
fun dogsLoading(): MainState {
return copy(
isLoading = true,
error = null
fun dogsLoadFail(error: Throwable): MainState {
return copy(
isLoading = false,
error = error
This state will be rendered by the view, the dogs
will populate a RecyclerView
for example.
if true, will show a ProgressBar
Then error
will show an error toast.
The view looks like this
interface MainView {
fun event(): Observable<MainEvent>
fun render(state: MainState)
If you notice something wrong, or you foresee a problem that this architecture will encounter, feel free to write an issue. And PR's are very welcome. I will be uploading a sample application soon that uses this architecture.
implementation 'co.en.archx:archx:0.0.1'