Quick and dirty way to make a workstation portable version of your awx/ansible tower inventories
pip install -U awx-exporter
or alternately
python3 -m pip install -U awx-exporter
Assuming your PATH is set up correctly, it should be accessible from the command line by typing awx-export
usage: awx_export-runner.py [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p [PASSWORD]] [-f] [-s] [-i INVENTORY_FILE_NAME]
[-k] [--show_token] Host [TOKEN]
Quick and dirty way to make a portable workstation version of your awx/ansible tower
positional arguments:
Host the fully qualified domain name of your awx/tower instance
TOKEN an authentication token for your awx/tower instance, can be readonly
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
use with -p if you can't or won't use a token
-p [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD]
hidden password prompt
-f, --force overwrite existing files
-s if set, will create a separate inventory file for each one present on
the awx/tower instance, otherwise all inventories will be treated as
groups and placed in the same file
the name for the newly generated inventory file, does nothing if used
with -s, defaults to awx_hosts
-k skips ssl verification, use with caution
--show_token Use in combination with username/password authentication if you want to
have the utility print the authentication token to STDOUT after obtaining it
If you have a token already you can just provide it inline eg:
awx-export https://my.host.example.com MY_TOKEN
If you don't have a token and can't get one or just cant be bothered, you can always authenticate with username/password. If you use -p but don't provide the password inline you will be prompted with a (usually) hidden input eg:
awx-export https://my.host.example.com -u 420_blazeit_69 --password my_amazing_password or awx-export https://my.host.example.com --username 420_blazeit_69 -p Password: