Application has be been designed using mobile first approach. However, feel free to test out the tablet / desktop look and feel.
- Next.Js
- Backend uses serverless API routes (Node.JS)
- Added social authentication using Github using NextAuth
- Typescript ORM using Prisma
- SQL database used from PlanetScale
- Styling using Styled Components
- Deployed to Vercel
- Unit testing using Jest and React testing lib
- For the sake of demo, local db and production db is the same.
- A user can see only his insurance plans
- A user can create as many insurance plans under his name
- Plans are sorted on home page based on
- Every plan as a base price. Total price is calculated as per duration in number of weeks multiplied by base price
- Payment flow I'm assuming always works (No payment service like Stripe added)
- Ensure values in
are correct pscale auth login
pscale connect npkumar main --port 3309
npx prisma studio
use this to populate any plans (I've skipped seeding, migrations to save time)
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
First, run the development server:
yarn install
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Check Next.js deployment documentation for more details.