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0.6 (Hydra)

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@npruehs npruehs released this 06 Oct 23:12
· 377 commits to develop since this release

Advanced export release.

This release adds a lot of customizability for exporting data, along with automatically enforced field value constraints and project and user settings.

New Features

  • Field Facets. Specify custom constraints such as the minimum value of an integer, the maximum length of a string, or the required parent of a record reference.
  • Project Overview. Add new or existing files to and/or remove files from the project. Specify which file to add new data to and move data between files.
  • Search. Find records by id or display name.
  • User Settings. Specify whether to show a Description column in the records table or to run integrity checks on save.


  • Added placeholders for list item types and map key and value types in export templates.
  • Added placeholders for specific field values in export templates.
  • Added possibility for ignoring specific records and/or fields in exports.
  • Using $ characters in record names is now prohibited.

See for details.

  • Added read-only records that can't be edited, reverted, removed or reparented.

See for details.


  • Initially selecting all content of Integer, Real and String controls for immediate editing.
  • Added hyperlinks to search results and references to other records.


  • Moved components, custom types and export templates from project file to dedicated files.
  • Added link to Roadmap to Help menu.
  • Added application icon.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when removing a field while a record inheriting that field is selected.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the field definitions window not to correctly reflect all changes if any components had been removed since the last time the window was shown.
  • Fixed a bug that caused UTF-8 text not to be correctly exported.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to create enumerations without specifying a name.
  • Fixed a bug that caused enumerations without any members to appear as if they had a single empty member.
  • Fixed a bug that caused field values in the record table to overlap with column boundaries.
  • Fixed a bug that caused field values in the record table to overlap with color previews.
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally caused the last column of the record not to fill all available space.
  • Fixed a bug that caused huge empty areas in field value windows with small content (e.g. checkbox) after having shown a window with large content (e.g. color picker) before.
  • Fixed a bug that caused sorting field definitions by any column other than id to occasionally make the table show duplicate rows.