The Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key Infrastructure (BRSKI) protocol provides a solution for secure zero-touch (automated) bootstrap of new (unconfigured) devices that are called "pledges". Pledges have an Initial Device Identifier (IDevID) installed in them at the factory.
For more information on the BRSKI protocol, please check the RFC8995.
This repo provides a reference implementation for the BRSKI protocol in C
- Voucher artifact implementation as per RFC8366,
- Pledge-Registrar voucher request implementation with CMS signatures,
- Registrar-MASA voucher request implementation with CMS signatures,
- MASA-Pledge voucher request implementation with CMS signatures and
- CMS signatures dependency on OpenSSL or WolfSSL libraries.
Compiling the BRSKI voucher library is done with CMake.
The BRSKI voucher library requires OpenSSL3. You can either:
- Install OpenSSL3 yourself
(on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) or Debian 12 (Bookworm) or later, you can just run
sudo apt install libssl-dev
) - The BRSKI CMake config file allows also downloading and compiling the OpenSSL library from source.
Change the option
file to force CMake to download and compile the OpenSSL library.
If you have CMake v3.22+, you can use the following cmake-presets
to compile BRSKI voucher libray and demo pledge, registrar, and masa tools:
cmake --list-presets # list all available presets
cmake --preset linux # configure the BRSKI voucher library for Linux
cmake --build --preset linux -j4 # build BRSKI for Linux using 4 threads
ctest --preset linux # test BRSKI for Linux
For older versions of CMake, or for manual configuration, please see the next headings for more details.
Configure cmake
in the build/
directory by running the following:
# or for old versions of cmake, do: mkdir build/ && cd build/ && cmake ..
cmake -S . -B build
The configure stage will download some of the BRSKI dependencies, so this may take a while.
To build, you can then run:
# or for old versions of cmake, do: cd build/ && make
cmake --build build/
or to built on multiple core run:
cmake --build build/ -j4
means 4 jobs/threads, replace 4
with the amount of cores you want to use, equivalent to make -j4
After succesful compilation the binary will be located in ./build/src
To run the BRSKI binary with the configuration file dev-config.ini
located in ./build
folder use:
./build/src/brski -c ./build/dev-config.ini command
To enable verbose debug mode use:
./build/src/brski -c ./build/dev-config.ini command -ddddd
where command
is one of the commands to execute. For more details see examples.
You can also look at Running with test examples for examples that use pregenerated test certificates.
To install the library and the BRSKI binary, and config use:
cmake --build --preset linux --target install
To install in a custom folder one needs to set the install prefix before running the above command with:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/custom_folder_path --preset linux
The cmake installs the following artifacts:
- BRSKI tool/../etc/brski/config.ini
- BRSKI tool config file/../lib/libvoucher.a
- voucher static library/../include/voucher/array.h
- the array helper include file/../include/voucher/voucher.h
- the voucher API include file
To compile the tests use:
cmake -B build/ -S . # configure CMAKE
cmake --build build/ -j4 # or make -j4
cmake --build build/ --target test -j4 # or 'make test'
To run each test individually, the test binaries are located in ./build/preset_name/tests
Additionally, you can manually setup a MASA and registrar server on localhost
using some test certificates.
Run the tests once using
ctest --preset linux
(or equivalent). This will create some example test certificates using thegenerate_test_certs
test. -
Start the MASA server using:
./build/linux/src/brski/brski -c ./build/linux/tests/brski/test-config.ini masa
Start the registrar server using:
./build/linux/src/brski/brski -c ./build/linux/tests/brski/test-config.ini registrar
Send a pledge request to the registrar server using:
user@pc:~/brski (main)$ ./build/linux/src/brski/brski -c ./build/linux/tests/brski/test-config.ini preq Pledge voucher request to 2023-06-13 14:25:17.642 INFO pledge_request.cpp:68: Request pledge voucher from /.well-known/brski/requestvoucher 2023-06-13 14:25:17.645 INFO httplib_wrapper.cpp:245: Post request to MIIBRjCB7aADAgECAgEBMAoGCCqGSM49BAMCMCExCzAJBgNVBAYTAklFMRIwEAYDVQQDDAlsZGV2aWQtY2EwHhcNMjMwNjEzMTMyNTE3WhcNMjMwNjI3MjAyMTI0WjAqMQswCQYDVQQGEwJJRTEbMBkGA1UEAwwScGlubmVkLWRvbWFpbi1tZXRhMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAE7BCjjmrshoAmneAJd8/D2iIPCkBbbcGoSX0fcvoxUAjCNIUyC9mhHAe8pAV2MFiJdngshvaXyhpYHm0iC4Qi36MNMAswCQYDVR0TBAIwADAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNIADBFAiEA1gT++JfiP522ddkCTKtzOyU8MOFa8+u4owvWPK+O2nkCIG/hDl1nFzDWQMIthyXxOUinL7crA9w2ZCW/6pwnhYX2
If successful, the returned ASN1
in the voucher will be printed in base64 to stdout.