not sure if we'll need to use multiple imputation here, but if we do, there's a Python implementation called missingno by ResidentMario ( The resources for FFP are for the most part social science data visualization tools like R and Stata
We used Git Large File Storage to share large files. This means we have a local .gitattributes file to track which files are associated with LFS. Collaborators on this repo must have LFS installed on their machines to receive actual file objects instead of pointer files on a clone. Follow these links:
The large files take up about 650 MB of disk space.
Or, the large files can be accessed via OPR or a cloud storage for team members. @nick basically it doesn't matter if you have git LFS or not because if you locally copy the files to the repo then the pointers should line up but it might be useful to know how to do this in the future.