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Testcases structure

Tests are located under pytest_tests directory.

Testcases execution

Initial preparation

  1. Fix OpenSSL ripemd160

Hashlib uses OpenSSL for ripemd160 and apparently OpenSSL disabled some older crypto algos around version 3.0 in November 2021. All the functions are still there but require manual enabling. See openssl/openssl#16994

But we use ripemd160 for tests. For ripemd160 to be supported, make sure that the config file /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf contains following lines:

openssl_conf = openssl_init

providers = provider_sect

default = default_sect
legacy = legacy_sect

activate = 1

activate = 1
  1. Prepare and activate virtualenv
$ make venv.pytest
$ . venv.pytest/bin/activate

If you want to exit from the current venv for any reason, use the deactivate command.

  1. Setup pre-commit hooks to run code formatters on staged files before you run a git commit command:
$ pre-commit install

We use ruff linter -, please install it in your IDE to properly format the code. In any case, there is a github workflow that will check your formatting.

  1. Install Allure CLI

Allure CLI installation is not an easy task, so a better option might be to run allure from docker container (please, refer to p.2 of the next section for instructions).

To install Allure CLI you may take one of the following ways:

$ wget
$ sudo apt install ./allure_2.18.1-1_all.deb

You also need the default-jre package installed.

If none of the options worked for you, please complete the instruction with your approach.

Run and get report

  1. Binaries

By default binaries are downloaded automatically by tests, but if you place binaries under current directory, they will be taken from there.

Following binaries are needed:

  • neofs-cli
  • neofs-adm
  • neofs-ir
  • neofs-lens
  • neofs-node
  • neofs-rest-gw
  • neofs-http-gw
  • neo-go
  • neofs-s3-authmate
  • neofs-s3-gw
  1. Run tests

Make sure that the virtualenv is activated, then execute the following command to run a specific test

$ pytest --alluredir my-allure-123 -s -k test_get_object_api pytest_tests/tests/object/

If you are going to run tests several times in the same dev environment, you can use the --persist-env key to initiate keeping the test environment. As a result, you'll find something like Persist env at: env_files/* in the report. For example:

[MainThread] 2024-04-27 18:31:55 [INFO] Persist env at: env_files/persisted_env_awxyrbxdwu

After that, you can run tests faster by adding the --load-env flag along with the received value. This way you won't waste time redeploy the environment. For example:

pytest --alluredir my-allure-234 -s pytest_tests/tests/services/rest_gate/ --load-env env_files/persisted_env_awxyrbxdwu 

If anything goes wrong, first advice is to check .github/workflows/run-tests.yml, to ensure you've done all required steps.

  1. Generate report

If you opted to install Allure CLI, you can generate a report using the command allure generate. The web representation of the report will be under allure-report directory:

$ allure generate my-allure-123
$ ls allure-report/
app.js  data  export  favicon.ico  history  index.html  plugins  styles.css  widgets

To inspect the report in a browser, run

$ allure serve my-allure-123

If you prefer to run allure from Docker, you can use the following command:

$ mkdir -p $PWD/allure-reports 
$ docker run -p 5050:5050 -e CHECK_RESULTS_EVERY_SECONDS=30 -e KEEP_HISTORY=1 \
    -v $PWD/my-allure-123:/app/allure-results \
    -v $PWD/allure-reports:/app/default-reports \

Then, you can check the allure report in your browser by this link

NOTE: feel free to select a different location for allure-reports directory, there is no requirement to have it inside neofs-testcases. For example, you can place it under /tmp path.


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Before starting to work on a certain topic, create a new issue first, describing the feature/topic you are going to implement.


Pytest marks

Custom pytest marks used in tests:

  • sanity - Tests must be runs in sanity testruns.
  • smoke - Tests must be runs in smoke testruns.