GoHike is an collaborative hiking app that enables users to search trails, get trail information, plan hikes, track information about their hiking experiences and make recommendations to friends. A search feature provides users with a selection of nearby trails based on zip code or a known location. Data is accessed from a trail API and results show trail names, links to the trail's site, rating information, trail location, trail picture, and a google map showing trailheads. Users can select a given trail and plan their hike. Users can track their hike details. User hike page has a chart.js graph representation of the hiking trips. User can comment and rate their hikes and can recommend a particular trail to a friend via SendGrid Email API.
- Python
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
- Jinja2
- Javascript
- JQuery
- Bootstrap
- Python unittest module
- Google Maps API
- REI's hiking project API
- SendGrid Email API