Video Links: Video1
Authors: Kun Cao, Muqing Cao, Shenghai Yuan, Lihua Xie.
Related Paper
- DIRECT: A Differential Dynamic Programming Based Framework for Trajectory Generation, Kun Cao, Muqing Cao, Shenghai Yuan, Lihua Xie, IEEE RA-L, 2022.
If you use DIRECT for your application or research, please star this repo and cite our related paper. bib
Our trajectory planning module is built on top of the Teach-Repeat-Replan package, and has been tested in ROS Melodic (Ubuntu 18.04) and Kinetic (Ubuntu 16.04). For setup and installations, please follow the instructions in Teach-Repeat-Replan and make sure you can run their test scripts first.
Then, create a new workspace and clone this package:
cd ~/ && mkdir catkin_ws_direct && cd catkin_ws_direct && mkdir src && cd src
git clone
cd cd ~/catkin_ws_direct && catkin_make
To launch a simple demo:
cd ~/ && bash src/DIRECT/
The ddp optimizer will solve for a trajectory when you click a target point in the RVIZ display:
We use the simulation environment and utilities of Teach-Repeat-Replan.