Improve All linking and command line tool
Introducing a command line tool to support All-Link management and basic device testing. The following capabilities are added:
- connect - Connect to the PLM (First thing you should do. Type 'help connect' to get the options)
- exit: Exit the tool
- help: Display the help information
- list_devices: List all loaded devices
- load_aldb: Load the device All-Link Database (this may take up to 10 min per device)
- on_off_test: Simple On/Off test to confirm things are working
- print_aldb: Print a devices' All-Link Database (must use load_aldb first)
- running_tasks: List tasks running in the background (not real useful)
- set_device: Set the PLM device name (i.e. /dev/ttyUSB0)
- set_log_level: Set the logging level (i for information v for verbose)
- set_workdir: Set the directory to load saved device info from
- start_all_linking: Set the PLM to start All-Linking
- write_aldb: Write a record to a device All-Link database (BE CAREFUL!!!)