This provides a webserver wrapper around Couchbase-Lite so that it can be called via HTTP REST calls.
Eventually this will be a matter of specifiying a maven repo url's and adding a few entries to your builld.gradle file to specify the dependencies.
In it's current state, this is not easy because the dependent jars are not in a central repository. But I think the following should work:
In the top level project, build the project as you normally would (eg,
./gradlew build
or something that calls it) -
Find the couchbase-lite-android-listener.aar file under the
directory -
Unzip couchbase-lite-android-listener.aar and get the .jar file and dependent .jar files
Copy these .jar files into your project's lib directory
Specify them as local dependencies in your build.gradle file
There is currently no way to use the CBLListener component via maven artifacts. This is a TODO item, please file an issue on github to bump the priority if you need this.
In order for this to happen, the first step is to get the webserver dependencies into a Maven repository.
Couchbase-lite android depends on the Tiny Java Web Server and Servlet Container. See libs-src/ for more details.
If you are connecting to CBLiteListener from a client that uses Ektorp, you may run into issues: issue #5, issue #7, or issue #8.
The workaround is to call:
StdHttpClient.Builder builder = new StdHttpClient.Builder().host(hostName).port(port).useExpectContinue(false);
(the key point being to use useExpectContinue(false)