The snake generated by this file can only take one turn at the time. He/she has to finish the current turn before deciding to make a new turn. He/she also may go out of scope and most likely you will never see him/her again unless you give him/her enough time until he/she decides to come back to the screen by chance. We value free-will here so don't force your snake friend to come back to the screen. He/she will be mad :/
The snake generated by this file can take multiple turns at the time. He/she doesn't have to wait for the current turn to finish before making the next turn. So you will often see snakes in zig-zag shape. The snake from this file may also go out of scope.
The ULTIMATE version of snakes! The snake generated by this file can take multiple turns. He/she also loves to stay in the screen and shows off his/her beautiful wavy body. So when he/she reaches the edge, he/she will not keep going out of the screen.
Run this line in terminal
python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user
Check this page if you meet any issues with installation:
Check pygame documentation for more information:
First move inside the frames
Since the program generates frames (images ends in .png) in the folder frames
(You will have to have this folder for the program to run), you will have to run the following command to merge the frames into a video:
ffmpeg -r 60 -start_number 1000000 -s 4096x2160 -i %d.png -vcodec libx264 -crf 31 -pix_fmt yuv420p final.mp4
1000000 should be replaced with your start_sequence_num
Change width
and height
parameters at the start of the file
Change name
and title
Change start_sequence_num
Look for self.size
in class Snake
for i in range(0, 20*60): # Change Here
for thing in snakes:
thing.move(), "./frames/" + str(frame_num) + ".png")
frame_num = frame_num + 1
The for loop generates 60 frames for one second. Change 20 to any other length of time. eg. 30*60 generates 30 seconds of 60-frame video.
Note There will always be 3 seconds of title and 1 second of black screen before the snake videos.
snakes = []
for i in range (0, 35): #Change Here
Change the range to modify how many snakes you want in a video.
eg. for i in range (0, 40)
will give you 40 snakes in a video.