Demo of the new WSL2 oobe with container rootfs
- Windows 11 or Windows Server 2025
- WSL2 v2.4.4
- Docker/Rancher/Podman Desktop (pick your preferred one)
# [Optional] Remove distro if it exists already
wsl --unregister corsairnix
# Build a container based on Azure Linux v3
## See Dockerfile.azurelinux for details
docker build -t local/corsairnix -f .\Dockerfile.azurelinux --no-cache .
# [Optional] Remove the container if it exists already
docker rm corsairnix
# Create a new container without running any command
docker run --name corsairnix local/corsairnix
# Export the container's rootfs to a directory
## [Example] The following directory structure is in place:
## tree C:\wsl\
## Folder PATH listing
## Volume serial number is 0CC2-5C5C
## C:\WSL
## ├───distros
## └───sources
docker export -o C:\wsl\sources\corsairnix.tar corsairnix
# Copy the container rootfs file to the current directory and changes the extension to `.wsl`
cp C:\wsl\sources\corsairnix.tar corsairnix.wsl
# Install the distro from the `.wsl` file
wsl --install --from-file corsairnix.wsl --location C:\wsl\distros\corsairnix
file can also be installed by double clicking on it.