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Update - new major map SDK version available!

Nutiteq joined CARTO in early 2016. We suggest to develop your app using newer CARTO Mobile Map SDK version 4.x. It has all same features, plus more. The new and much advanced sample code here: and developer Getting Started guidelines can be found from

Nutiteq Maps SDK for .NET (old version)

Includes samples and Nutiteq Maps SDK 3.1 for .NET platform:

  • Android (Xamarin)
  • iOS (Xamarin)
  • Windows Phone (Visual Studio)

Xamarin samples are also available in Xamarin Store Nutiteq SDK component release. This github project has updated development version.

#Getting started

Register license key

Sign up in and add an application. Select xamarin-ios, xamarin-android or windows-phone as application type, and make sure you enter same application ID as you have in your app (sample app ID is com.nutiteq.hellomap.xamarin for Xamarin platforms, Windows Phone has hex-like Application code). Finally you should get license code, which is a long string starting with "XTU...". This is needed for your code.

If you cover several platforms, register app for each.

Cross-platform apps

You can create one project solution and share map-related code. These still need to be separate apps, as many app aspects (UI, file system etc) are platform-specific. From Nutiteq SDK point of view the API is almost the same and your code can be shared, except some specific API calls which need e.g. Android context or file system references. For example these Nutiteq SDK calls must be platform specific:

  • Register license key: MapView.RegisterLicense()
  • Create package manager: new NutiteqPackageManager()

Also reading file resources (Data files, Bitmaps for textures etc) is platform-specific. Nutiteq SDK provides own platform-independent Bitmap and platform-specific utilities to read native objects (Android Bitmap, UIImage in iOS etc) to SDK Bitmaps.

Almost all of the map-related code: adding layers and objects to map, handling interactions/clicks etc is same for all platforms, so you can reuse a lot of code!

Android Xamarin app#

  1. Add Nutiteq SDK component to your project (from Xamarin Component store) or just copy the .dll files from Assemblies

  2. Copy vector style file ( to your project Assets folder. You can take it from samples. This is needed for vector basemap.

  3. Add MapView to your application main layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >
  1. Create MapView object, add a base layer

You you can load layout from a xml and load the MapView from Layout, or create it with code. Definition of base layer is enough for minimal map configuration.

using Nutiteq.Ui;
using Nutiteq.Layers;
using Nutiteq.DataSources;

[Activity (Label = "Nutiteq.HelloMap", MainLauncher = true)]
public class MainActivity : Activity

	protected override void OnCreate ( Bundle bundle )
		base.OnCreate ( bundle );

		// Register license BEFORE creating MapView (done in SetContentView)
		MapView.RegisterLicense("YOUR_LICENSE_KEY", this);

		/// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
		SetContentView ( Resource.Layout.Main );
		/// Get our map from the layout resource. 
		var mapView = FindViewById<MapView> ( Resource.Id.mapView );

		/// Online vector base layer
		var baseLayer = new NutiteqOnlineVectorTileLayer("");

		/// Set online base layer  

iOS Xamarin app#

  1. Add Nutiteq SDK component to your project (from Xamarin Component store) or just copy the .dll files from Assemblies

  2. Copy vector style file ( to your project. You can take it from samples. This is needed for vector basemap.

  3. Add Map object to app view. When using Storyboards, use OpenGL ES View Controller (GLKit.GLKViewController) as a template for the map and replace GLKView with MapView as the underlying view class. In the example below, it is assumed that the outlet name of the map view is Map.

  4. Initiate map, set base layer

Add into MainViewController.cs:

using Nutiteq.Ui;
using Nutiteq.Layers;
using Nutiteq.DataSources;

public class MainViewController : GLKit.GLKViewController
	public override void ViewDidLoad ()
		base.ViewDidLoad ();

		// GLKViewController-specific parameters for smoother animations
		ResumeOnDidBecomeActive = false;
		PreferredFramesPerSecond = 60;

		// Register license BEFORE creating MapView 

		// Online vector base layer
		var baseLayer = new NutiteqOnlineVectorTileLayer("");

		// Set online base layer.
		// Note: assuming here that Map is an outlet added to the controller.

	public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
		base.ViewWillAppear (animated);

		// GLKViewController-specific, do on-demand rendering instead of constant redrawing
		// This is VERY IMPORTANT as it stops battery drain when nothing changes on the screen!
		Paused = true;

Windows Phone app (Visual Studio)#

Nutiteq SDK 3.1 requires Windows Phone 8.1. It is tested with free Visual Studio Community 2013 and Windows 8.1 as developent PC.

  1. Import Nutiteq SDK VSIX to your Visual Studio. Download it from SDK Downloads, and just run it to install.

  2. Copy vector style file ( to your project Assets. You can take it from the Downloads page or samples. This is needed for vector basemap.

  3. Initiate map, set base layer and add to app Window

Add into App.xaml.cs:

protected async override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e){
 if (mPage == null)
   Nutiteq.Utils.Log.ShowDebug = true;
   Nutiteq.Utils.Log.ShowInfo = true;
   Nutiteq.Utils.Log.ShowError = true;

   // Register Nutiteq app license
   var licenseOk = Nutiteq.Ui.MapView.RegisterLicense("YOUR-LICENSE-CODE");
   // Online vector base layer
   var baseLayer = new NutiteqOnlineVectorTileLayer("");
   // Set online base layer.
   // Note: assuming here that Map is an outlet added to the controller.
  // Place the page in the current window and ensure that it is active.
  Windows.UI.Xaml.Window.Current.Content = mPage;
 private Nutiteq.Ui.MapView mPage;

Android, iOS and Windows Phone common map code

  1. Add a marker to map, to given coordinates. Add following after creating mapView.

You must have Icon.png in your Assets folder to set bitmap

	// Create overlay layer for markers
	var proj = new EPSG3857();
	var dataSource = new LocalVectorDataSource (proj);
	var overlayLayer = new VectorLayer (dataSource);
	mapView.Layers.Add (overlayLayer);

	// create Marker style
	var markersStyleBuilder = new MarkerStyleBuilder ();
	markersStyleBuilder.SetSize (20);
	UnsignedCharVector iconBytes = AssetUtils.LoadBytes("Icon.png");
	var bitmap = new Bitmap (iconBytes, true);
	markersStyleBuilder.SetBitmap (bitmap);

	// Marker for London
	var marker = new Marker (proj.FromWgs84(new MapPos(-0.8164,51.2383)), markersStyleBuilder.BuildStyle ());
	dataSource.Add (marker);

Other map actions

See sample code how to:

  • Control map view - set zoom, center, tilt etc
  • Listen events (MapListener.cs) of clicks to map and map objects
  • Add other objects: Lines, Polygons, Points, Balloons (callouts). You can even add 3D objects and use customized Balloons.
  • Download offline map packages for country or smaller region


Nutiteq SDK 3.x for Xamarin sample project






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