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Update, build, import and export locales using grunt.


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grunt locales

Update, build, import and export locales using grunt.

Table of contents

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-locales --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The locales task


The goal of this grunt task is to automate localization of HTML templates.

Executing this task parses localize attributes in HTML files and collects the parsed locale strings in JSON files for translation. The translated JSON locale files are then compiled into JS locale files which provide a performant way to use the produced translation functions.

The JSON locale files can also be exported and imported to and from a CSV locale file to ease the translation process.

To support translation features like pluralization and gender selection, this project relies on Alex Sexton's MessageFormat library to parse the locale strings and compile the translation functions.

Usage Examples


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named locales to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  locales: {
    options: {
      locales: ['en_US', 'de_DE']
    update: {
      src: 'templates/**/*.html',
      dest: 'js/locales/{locale}/i18n.json'
    build: {
      src: 'js/locales/**/i18n.json',
      dest: 'js/locales/{locale}/i18n.js'
    'export': {
      src: 'js/locales/**/i18n.json',
      dest: 'js/locales/locales.csv'
    'import': {
      src: 'js/locales/locales.csv',
      dest: 'js/locales/{locale}/i18n.json'

Locales update

Parse the HTML template files and update the JSON locale files:

grunt locales:update

Locales build

Parse the JSON locale files and build the JS locale files:

grunt locales:build

Locales export

Export the JSON locale files into one CSV export file:

grunt locales:export

Locales import

Create (and overwrite) the JSON locale files from the CSV locales file:

grunt locales:import

Watch tasks

Install grunt-contrib-watch to automatically update and build locales on file changes.

In your project's Gruntfile, add the following to your watch task configuration:

watch: {
  templates: {
    files: 'templates/**/*.html',
    tasks: ['locales:update', 'locales:build'],
    options: {
      spawn: false,
  locales: {
    files: 'js/locales/**/i18n.json',
    tasks: ['locales:build']

Add the following section to only parse changed HTML templates:

grunt.event.on('watch', function (action, file) {
    grunt.config('locales.update.options.purgeLocales', false);
    grunt.config('locales.update.src', file);



Type: Array
Default value: ['en_US']

The list of locales you are using for your translation framework.


Type: Array
Default value: ['localize', 'localize-title', 'localize-page-title']

A list of attributes that are parsed for locale strings in the HTML templates.
All attributes in this list will also match with attributes of the same name with data- prefix.
If the attribute value is empty and the matched attribute is localize or data-localize, the parser takes the element HTML content as locale string.


Type RegExp
Default value: /\w+(?=\/[^\/]+$)/

Matches the locale name in a file path, e.g. en_US in js/locale/en_US/i18n.json.
This is used to automatically extract the locale name for the build and export tasks.


Type: String
Default value: '{locale}'

The placeholder for the locale name used to create the destination file paths.


Type: String
Default value: 'i18n'

The name of the variable added to the window object in the created locale scripts.
This variable holds the map of translation functions.


Type: Boolean
Default value: true

If enabled, removes obsolete locale strings from the JSON files.
This excludes strings parsed from the HTML templates and the default messages.


Type: String
Default value: undefined

The location of the JSON file with default locale strings not found in the HTML templates.


Type: String
Default value: __dirname + '/../node_modules/messageformat/locale/{locale}.js'

The location of the MessageFormat locale files.


Type: String
Default value: __dirname + '/../i18n.js.tmpl'

The location of the template file used to render the JS locale files.


Type: Object
Default value: {removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true}

Minifies locale strings containing HTML with html-minifier, using the given options object.
Set to false to disable HTML minification.


Type: Boolean
Default value: false

If enabled, also minifies the parsed keys containing HTML markup.
This option can be useful if the locales are parsed from the unminified templates, but the templates are later minified using grunt-contrib-htmlmin.


Type: Integer
Default value: 2

The space parameter to JSON.stringify used to render the JSON locale files.


Type: function|Array
Default value: undefined

The replacer parameter to JSON.stringify used to render the JSON locale files.


Type: String
Default value: '"'

The string encapsulator character(s) used for the CSV export.


Type: String
Default value: ','

The table cell delimiter character(s) used for the CSV export.


Type: String
Default value: '\r\n'

The line end character(s) used for the CSV export.


Type: Function
Default value:

function (str) {
  return str.replace(/"/g, '""');

The string escape function used for the CSV export.


Type: String
Default value: 'ID'

The label for the first cell created in the CSV export.


Type RegExp
Default value: /^((ftp|https?):\/\/|mailto:|#|\{\w+\})/

The allowed URL formats for the CSV import.

HTML templates format

The templates should contain HTML content which can be parsed by node-htmlparser.

By default, the locales:update task parses all elements with localize, localize-title and localize-page-title attributes, as well as the same attributes with -data prefix. So elements with data-localize, data-localize-title and data-localize-page-title attribute will also be parsed, which allows strict HTML conformity.

The localization string is taken from the attribute value. For the attributes localize and data-localize, the string will be taken from the content of the element if the attribute value is empty.

Template examples

<div data-name="Grunt" data-localize>Hello {name}!</div>
<div localize-title="Hover over me!" localize>Element with title!</div>

Translation functions

The compiled translation functions can be used the following way:

var translatedString = i18n['Hello {name}!']({name: 'Grunt'});

DOM replacement

An example replacing the content of all HTML nodes of the current document with data-localize attribute with their translation function result:

[]'[data-localize]'), function (node) {
    var func = window.i18n[node.getAttribute('data-localize') || node.innerHTML];
    if (func) {
        node.innerHTML = func({name: escapeHTML(node.getAttribute('data-name'))});

Please note that when you are dynamically updating HTML content, you have to safeguard against Cross-site scripting attacks.

A safe way is to filter all arguments passed to the translation functions, based on the context where the translation result will be inserted.

Arguments for translation functions which will be inserted as HTML element content can be safely escaped by replacing unsafe characters with their HTML entity equivalents, e.g. with the following function:

function escapeHTML(str) {
    return str.replace(/[<>&"]/g, function (c) {
        return {
            '<' : '&lt;',
            '>' : '&gt;',
            '&' : '&amp;',
            '"' : '&quot;'
        }[c] || '';

AngularJS directive

A sample localize AngularJS directive:

angular.module('localize', ['ngSanitize']).directive('localize', [
    '$window', '$sanitize',
    function ($window, $sanitize) {
        return function (scope, elm, attrs) {
            // Take the translation key from the element content,
            // if the localize attribute is empty:
            if (!attrs.localize) {
                attrs.$set('localize', elm.html());
            var func = $window.i18n[attrs.localize];
            if (func) {
                // Call the translation function with the
                // data-attributes of the element as argument object:


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 2013-10-30   v2.0.0   Sanitize both keys and content, minify HTML output.
  • 2013-10-30   v1.1.0   Catch, format and log errors when parsing JSON locale files.
  • 2013-10-29   v1.0.0   Initial release.


Update, build, import and export locales using grunt.







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