esphome Pomodoro with OLED display, button and a buzzer.
- shows remaining time left till the end of the phase
- default work phase is 25min, rest phase is 5min, max 3 work phases
- restores number of work phases on device power loss
- can show some useless info like time and humidity and temperature if you have data from home-assistant, could be replaced with something else local
- tested with esphome 2023.12.9
- no button to reset number of pomodoro sessions stored.
- tested with OLED 128x64
- device power loss does not resume phase, given phase state is lost
- no reset/pause
- esp32 (probably will work on esp8266)
- push button or can be some standalone keyboard key or from the old mouse)
- SSD1306 OLED display
- RTTL buzzer
First of all check pinout fo your device.
- buzzer - GPIO32 + ground, check polarity, some require it
- physical button - GPIO33 + ground - make sure you connect proper legs
- OLED display - 5V + ground, I2C over standard pins sda: GPIO21 scl: GPIO22
- look at the pomodoro.yaml and edit it so it suits your needs - like device address, wifi passwords, or uncomment the code etc
- add that yaml to your ESPHome dashboard
- upload to the device
- enjoy.