An interactive web app using Django, PostgreSQL, and D3.js to visualize geolocation data from JSON files. Features include dynamic visualizations, responsive design with React, and efficient data handling. Ideal for analyzing geographical data patterns. Contributions welcome!
This project aims to create an interactive geo-visualization dashboard using Django for the backend and React for the frontend. The project involves the following main tasks:
- Creating a PostgreSQL database from a given JSON data file.
- Developing a Django application to handle backend processes.
- Implementing a React application for the frontend interface.
Ensure you have the following installed on your system:
- Python 3.x
- PostgreSQL
- Node.js and npm
cd map-insight-backend
Feel free to submit issues, pull requests, or feature requests. We welcome all contributions to improve MapInsight.
Happy Coding with MapInsight!
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=F6K3mPj9wZ0bL8Nn4cQxR2D7vS1oAeHtY5JkGxB8WmFz3iUqRvL6d9CpT0pNwQ4sO1fXbU7Z2kJvI3yM8rLtE5W9gH6A -a floating-thicket-34909