is a simple GDB meant for local usage that can withstand a high number of vertices.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
Add thoth to your list of dependencies in
:def deps do [{:thoth, "~> 0.0.5"}] end
Ensure thoth is started before your application:
def application do [applications: [:thoth]] end
defmodule Person do
defstruct name: nil, age: nil, type: :person
# A Model struct has to implement Thoth.Model's id/1 that creates a uniquq id per instance
defimpl Thoth.Model, for: Person do
def id (%Person{name: name}) do
name |> String.downcase |> String.replace(" ", "_") |> String.to_atom
defmodule Place do
defstruct type: :place, name: nil
defimpl Thoth.Model, for: Place do
def id (%Place{name: name}) do
String.to_atom String.downcase name
# It can also derive it for the default "UUIDv4" implementation
defmodule Post do
@derive Thoth.Model
defstruct type: :post, text: nil, is_comment: false
defmodule FB.Scenario do
require Person
require Place
require Post
require Thoth.Persistence
require Thoth.Entities
def run path do
# Create new graph
dag = Thoth.Persistence.load
il = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Place{name: "Israel"})
fr = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Place{name: "France"})
au = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Place{name: "Australia"})
ca = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Place{name: "Canada"})
sp = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Place{name: "Spain"})
jaubourg = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Person{name: "Julian Auborg", age: 20})
# connecting 2 entities:
# connect!(graph, source, target, connection_type) -- create a single directed conncetion
# connect!(graph, source, target, connection_type, true) -- create a mutual directed conncetion of the same type
# connect!(graph, source, target, connection_type, reverse_connection_type) -- create a two directed connections,
# one from source to target, the other from target to source
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, jaubourg, il, :from, :natives)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, jaubourg, ca, :lives_in, :dwellers)
phiggins = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Person{name: "Peter Higgins", age: 21})
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, phiggins, il, :from, :natives)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, phiggins, ca, :lives_in, :dwellers)
blowery = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Person{name: "Ben Lowery", age: 21})
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, blowery, ca, :from, :natives)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, blowery, fr, :lives_in, :dwellers)
jeresig = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Person{name: "John Resig", age: 22})
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, jeresig, ca, :from, :natives)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, jeresig, fr, :lives_in, :dwellers)
slightlylate = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Person{name: "Alex Russell", age: 20})
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, slightlylate, au, :from, :natives)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, slightlylate, sp, :lives_in, :dwellers)
ajpiano = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Person{name: "Adam Sontag", age: 24})
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, ajpiano, au, :from, :natives)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, ajpiano, sp, :lives_in, :dwellers)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, ajpiano, phiggins, :friends, true)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, jaubourg, phiggins, :friends, true)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, ajpiano, slightlylate, :friends, true)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, jeresig, slightlylate, :friends, true)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, ajpiano, jaubourg, :friends, true)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, ajpiano, blowery, :friends, true)
post = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Post{text: "Hell of a day!"})
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, ajpiano, post, :posted, :author)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, phiggins, post, :likes, :likers)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, blowery, post, :likes, :likers)
comment = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Post{text: "Awesome!", is_comment: true})
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, phiggins, comment, :posted, :author)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, post, comment, :comments)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, ajpiano, comment, :likes, :likers)
comment = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Post{text: "Fuck you, mate", is_comment: true})
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, slightlylate, comment, :posted, :author)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, post, comment, :comments)
subcomment = Thoth.Entities.add!(dag, %Post{text: "Huh?", is_comment: true})
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, phiggins, subcomment, :posted, :author)
Thoth.Entities.connect!(dag, comment, subcomment, :comments)
# Save graph to path, path)
dag = Thoth.Persistence.load('./test') # load the graph
friends_of_friends = Thoth.Query.query(
[:friends, :friends]
assert length(friends_of_friends) === 4