This is a Mock Payment Gateway Interface using a Django Backend (with Django Rest Framework) and a React Frontend.
Usage as below:
Installation can be done using the (which will also download the repo)
Some basic instructions on how to install: (with pip3 installed)
- Copy to a directory to host project
- run "source" in a terminal window in the mentioned directory
This will start the Django backend server on
- Install Linux (
After the script runs, you will be required to open a second terminal window to run the React frontend. My approach was to create separate interfaces, running similar to a microservice architecture, communicating over Rest APIs. To run the frontend, from the root of the project directory, type the following in the second terminal window:
- cd frontend/gui/
- npm start
You are required to have npm and node.js installed on your local machine.
The frontend server will run on
I created some test entries with SuperUser access as an example. The superuser details are as follows:
Username: "user", Password: "potato123"