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Sync TODOs from Neorg Journal with Google Tasks


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Sync: Neorg ⇄ GTask

Sync your Neorg TODO-items to Google tasks and vice-versa.


neorg-task-sync syncs all uncompleted todo-entries from your neorg journal to a google task list and vice versa. It allows you to double-check/complete todos on your mobile phone while commuting. Alternatively, this workflow allows for noting down todos while away from your computer and still have them appear in the newest neorg journal file.

By default, new tasks are synced to the latest journal entry . Tasks are synced to the last (optionally first) file you specify on the command line, optionally to a specific section (by default TODO). This ensures that the latest journal file receives new remote tasks.

While syncing the your journal is the intended use-case it also allows syncing to any other file.

If configured,


I keep notes via Neorg's journal feature. However, I would also like to add TODOs when I am away from the PC (for example after spontaneous meetings). Furthermore, I like to go through and update older TODOs while commuting. For obvious reasons, Neorg's journaling feature cannot solve this, but Google Tasks does.

Hence, the obvious solution was to write a quick syncer. The required metadata is concealed via treesitter-rules.

How? (Installation)

Unfortunately, Google does not permit shipping client IDs with open source code. Hence, the installation procedure is:

  1. Install locally
  2. Create your own Google project & OAuth token

Install locally

  1. Install as neovim plugin:
Plug 'obreitwi/neorg-task-sync' " vim-plug
  1. Navigate to the plugin folder (or clone again to install):
git clone
cd neorg-task-sync
cargo install --path "$PWD"
# pre-create config folder
mkdir -p ~/.config/neorg-task-sync

Create your own Google project & OAuth token

  1. (Register for Google Cloud, if not done already…)
  2. Create a new Google Project. The name does not matter much since you will only use it for yourself. Alternatively, you can also re-use an existing private project of yours.
  3. For your project, enable Google Tasks API
  4. Create a new OAuth 2.0 client. For Application Type, choose "Desktop App" and any name.
  5. After creation, make sure to download the OAuth client to

Required configuration

The only required confguration is to set a remote task list. It can be set interactively via neorg-task-sync config tasklist set.

Run your first sync

Run your first sync via

$ neorg-task-sync <path to your neorg journal folder>

Tip: Set alias nts=neorg-task-sync for your shell.

Full Configuration

neorg-task-sync can be configured in several ways:

  • ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/neorg-task-sync/config.yaml (defaults to: $HOME/.config/neorg-task-sync-config.yaml)
  • by specifing an env variable for each config setting, prefixed with NEORG_TASK_SYNC_ (e.g. NEORG_TASK_SYNC_TASKLIST to specify a tasklist)
  • the only required setting (which tasklist to sync to) can be set interactively via neorg-task-sync config tasklist set

Config values (with defaults)

# clear google tasks older than n days, disabled if not specified
clear_completed_tasks_older_than_days: <disabled>

# ignore the following files when syncing
ignore_filenames: ["index.norg"]

# which google task list to sync to, set via `neorg-task-list config tasklist set`
tasklist: ""

# which section to sync todos to, alternatively they are appended to the file
section_todos: "TODOs"

# section containing todos tha should be done till end-of-day
# these todos will be synced with a same-day due date
section_todos_till_end_of_day: ""

Command-Line Help for neorg-task-sync

This document contains the help content for the neorg-task-sync command-line program.

Command Overview:


Usage: neorg-task-sync [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  • auth — Auth related commands
  • config — Show config
  • generate — Generate completions
  • parse — Run a parse action (mainly for debugging)
  • sync — Sync tasks between local file and google tasks
  • tasks — Check which tasks are defined upstream (mainly for debugging)
  • -v, --verbose — Make output more verbose

neorg-task-sync auth

Auth related commands

Usage: neorg-task-sync auth <COMMAND>

  • login

neorg-task-sync auth login

Usage: neorg-task-sync auth login

neorg-task-sync config

Show config

Usage: neorg-task-sync config <COMMAND>

  • import
  • show
  • tasklist

neorg-task-sync config import

Usage: neorg-task-sync config import [OPTIONS] <WHAT>

  • <WHAT> — what to import

    Possible values: client-secret

  • -f, --file <FILE> — Read from file

neorg-task-sync config show

Usage: neorg-task-sync config show

neorg-task-sync config tasklist

Usage: neorg-task-sync config tasklist <OPERATION> [VALUE]


    Possible values:

    • get: Get current value
    • set: Set current value
    • list: List possible values current value
  • <VALUE> — Value (for set operation)

neorg-task-sync generate

Generate completions

Usage: neorg-task-sync generate <COMMAND>

  • help-markdown — Generate markdown from help messages
  • completion — Copmletion script

neorg-task-sync generate help-markdown

Generate markdown from help messages

Usage: neorg-task-sync generate help-markdown

neorg-task-sync generate completion

Copmletion script

Usage: neorg-task-sync generate completion <SHELL>

  • <SHELL> — Shell to generate completions for

    Possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh

neorg-task-sync parse

Run a parse action (mainly for debugging)

Usage: neorg-task-sync parse [OPTIONS] <TARGET>

  • <TARGET> — What to generate
  • -f, --force-norg — Force parsing even if extension does not match

neorg-task-sync sync

Sync tasks between local file and google tasks

Usage: neorg-task-sync sync [OPTIONS] <FILES_OR_FOLDERS>...

  • <FILES_OR_FOLDERS> — Files or folders to sync. New remote tasks will be synced into the last file specified (after sorting)
  • --fix-missing
  • -f, --pull-to-first — Pull new remote tasks to first file specified, instead
  • -s, --without-sort — Do not sort filenames prior to syncing
  • -L, --without-local — Do not sync remote google tasks to local todos (neither create nor update status)
  • -R, --without-remote — Do not sync local todos to remote google tasks (neither create nor update status)
  • -r, --without-push — Do not push local todos to google and create new tasks
  • -l, --without-pull — Do not pull remote google tasks and insert them into the todo section

neorg-task-sync tasks

Check which tasks are defined upstream (mainly for debugging)

Usage: neorg-task-sync tasks [OPTIONS]

  • -j, --json — output as json

This document was generated automatically by clap-markdown.


Sync TODOs from Neorg Journal with Google Tasks




Unknown, MIT licenses found

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