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Using Custom OAuth Credentials

Rodney edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 1 revision

In some cases, using your own OAuth credentials may be required. For instance, if you are building a third-party Linux package without access to the OBS Project's API credentials, or if you are a developer who needs to be able to test things locally, potentially for a currently unsupported platform or with new scopes not granted by the OBS Project's credentials/service.

For that purpose, OBS supports changing the OAuth client ids/secrets and service URL via CMake options

Note that OBS does not use an entirely standard OAuth flow for Twitch and Restream, as it uses a proxy that knows the client secret to handle the token exchange, rather than including the secret in the client. The URL of that proxy is set by OAUTH_BASE_URL and must be changed to your own if you wish to use your credentials for those services.

The server-side OAuth component used by OBS for Twitch and Restream is available here:

CMake Options


  • OAUTH_BASE_URL - The base URL for your OAuth server (Note: only visible cmake-gui if "Show advanced" is checked)
  • TWITCH_CLIENTID - Your Twitch API application Client ID
  • RESTREAM_CLIENTID - Your Restream API application Client ID
  • TWITCH_HASH/RESTREAM_HASH - Set to "0" (only used for obfuscation in the binary if desired)

Note: OAUTH_BASE_URL must include a protocol (e.g. https://) and trailing slash.

For YouTube the OAuth server is not used, instead, the client id and secret are both directly compiled into the OBS binary:

  • YOUTUBE_CLIENTID - Your YouTube API application Client ID
  • YOUTUBE_SECRET - Your YouTube API application Client secret
  • YOUTUBE_CLIENTID_HASH/YOUTUBE_SECRET_HASH - Set to "0" (only used for obfuscation in the binary if desired)

Omitting a client id/secret and hash pair will disable that service.

Server-side Implementation Details (Twitch/Restream only)

The required parts of the OBS OAuth implementation are:

  1. <OAUTH_BASE_URL>v1/:platform/redirect - Redirector
  2. <OAUTH_BASE_URL>v1/:platform/token - Token Proxy
  3. <OAUTH_BASE_URL>[optional path] - Redirect URL

The server-side needs to also have access to the client_secret and client_id for any platforms it supports.


The redirector endpoint simply issues a (temporary) 3XX redirect to the platform's OAuth page (e.g. for Twitch) with the required URL parameters to initiate the OAuth flow.

The target URL includes the Redirect URL (3.), client_id, scope, and other parameters required by the service in the URL parameters. The response_type must be code.

Example (taken from the Twitch OAuth Documentation):

Token Proxy

The token proxy is sent a POST request with several form parameters, for this purpose you only need to care about grant_type, and either code if the grant type is authorization_code or refresh_token if is refresh_token.

To complete the flow, the proxy will construct a POST request to the platform's token endpoint that contains the client-supplied grant_type and code/refresh_token as well as the other required parameters such as the client_secret and client_id. See the specific service's documentation for details.

Example POST body (once again taken from the Twitch OAuth Documentation):


Redirect URL

The redirect URL the user is sent to after completing the authentication process on the platform's side must also start with OAUTH_BASE_URL for the OBS client to recognise the flow as having finished and obtain the authorization code from the URL.
The response body is irrelevant and can be a blank page as the webview should be closed immediately after the redirect occurs and before the page is displayed to the user.

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