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fix: report directory targets before rules
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So that we can answer whether a path is under a directory target with
loading the rules, thus avoiding computation cycles in some cases.

Signed-off-by: Jeremie Dimino <>

ps-id: 2C153617-B1AF-4F77-A350-E0300143ECCD
  • Loading branch information
jeremiedimino authored and rgrinberg committed Apr 17, 2022
1 parent c65374a commit 1fd19d7
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Showing 12 changed files with 755 additions and 549 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/dune_engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,10 +11,14 @@ module Context_or_install = struct
| Context s -> Context_name.to_dyn s

type extra_sub_directories_to_keep = Subdir_set.t
type rules =
{ build_dir_only_sub_dirs : Subdir_set.t
; directory_targets : Loc.t Path.Build.Map.t
; rules : Rules.t Memo.t

type gen_rules_result =
| Rules of extra_sub_directories_to_keep * Rules.t
| Rules of rules
| Unknown_context_or_install
| Redirect_to_parent

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20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions src/dune_engine/build_config.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,10 +13,26 @@ module Context_or_install : sig
val to_dyn : t -> Dyn.t

type extra_sub_directories_to_keep = Subdir_set.t
(** Rules for a given directory. This type is structured so that all generated
sub-directories (either directory targets or internal generated directories
such as [.ppx]) are known immediately, while the actual build rules are
computed in a second stage. The staging is to avoid computation cycles
created during the computation of the rules. *)
type rules =
{ build_dir_only_sub_dirs : Subdir_set.t
(** Sub-directories that don't exist in the source tree but exists in
the build directory. This is for internal directories such as
[.dune] or [.ppx]. *)
; directory_targets : Loc.t Path.Build.Map.t
(** Directories that are target of a rule. For each directory target,
give the location of the rule that generates it. The keys in this
map must correspond exactly to the set of directory targets that
will be produces by [rules]. *)
; rules : Rules.t Memo.t

type gen_rules_result =
| Rules of extra_sub_directories_to_keep * Rules.t
| Rules of rules
| Unknown_context_or_install
| Redirect_to_parent
(** [Redirect_to_parent] means that the parent will generate the rules for
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119 changes: 68 additions & 51 deletions src/dune_engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ module type Rec = sig

val build_file : Path.t -> Digest.t Memo.t

val build_dir : Path.t -> (Digest.t * Digest.t Path.Build.Map.t) option Memo.t
val build_dir : Path.t -> (Digest.t * Digest.t Path.Build.Map.t) Memo.t

val build_deps : Dep.Set.t -> Dep.Facts.t Memo.t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,11 +282,14 @@ and Exported : sig

val execute_rule : Rule.t -> rule_execution_result Memo.t

type target_kind =
| File_target
| Dir_target of { generated_file_digests : Digest.t Path.Build.Map.t }

(* The below two definitions are useless, but if we remove them we get an
"Undefined_recursive_module" exception. *)

val build_file_memo :
(Path.t, Digest.t * Digest.t Path.Build.Map.t option) Memo.Table.t
val build_file_memo : (Path.t, Digest.t * target_kind) Memo.Table.t
[@@warning "-32"]

val build_alias_memo : (Alias.t, Dep.Fact.Files.t) Memo.Table.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -867,14 +870,23 @@ end = struct
Io.read_file ( target)

(* A rule can have multiple targets but calls to [execute_rule] are memoized,
so the rule will be executed only once.
type target_kind =
| File_target
| Dir_target of { generated_file_digests : Digest.t Path.Build.Map.t }

[build_file_impl] returns both the set of dependencies of the file as well
as its digest. *)
let target_kind_equal a b =
match (a, b) with
| File_target, File_target -> true
| ( Dir_target { generated_file_digests = a }
, Dir_target { generated_file_digests = b } ) ->
Path.Build.Map.equal a b ~equal:Digest.equal
| File_target, Dir_target _ | Dir_target _, File_target -> false

(* A rule can have multiple targets but calls to [execute_rule] are memoized,
so the rule will be executed only once. *)
let build_file_impl path =
Load_rules.get_rule_or_source path >>= function
| Source digest -> Memo.return (digest, None)
| Source digest -> Memo.return (digest, File_target)
| Rule (path, rule) -> (
let+ { deps = _; targets } =
Expand All @@ -883,15 +895,17 @@ end = struct
Pp.text (Path.to_string_maybe_quoted ( path)))
match Path.Build.Map.find targets path with
| Some digest -> (digest, None)
| Some digest -> (digest, File_target)
| None -> (
(* CR-someday amokhov: [Cached_digest.build_file] doesn't do a good job
for computing directory digests -- it relies on [mtime] instead of
actually computing the digest of the directory's content. As one of
the consequences, we currently can't support the early cutoff for
directory targets. *)
match Cached_digest.build_file ~allow_dirs:true path with
| Ok digest -> (digest, Some targets) (* Must be a directory target *)
| Ok digest ->
(digest, Dir_target { generated_file_digests = targets })
(* Must be a directory target *)
| No_such_file
| Broken_symlink
| Cyclic_symlink
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -965,13 +979,8 @@ end = struct
module Pred = struct
let build_impl g =
let dir = File_selector.dir g in
let* build_dir =
Load_rules.is_target dir >>= function
| No -> Memo.return None
| Yes _ | Under_directory_target_so_cannot_say -> build_dir dir
match build_dir with
| None ->
Load_rules.load_dir ~dir >>= function
| Non_build _ | Build _ ->
let* paths = Pred.eval g in
let+ files =
Memo.parallel_map (Path.Set.to_list paths) ~f:(fun p ->
Expand All @@ -981,7 +990,8 @@ end = struct
~files:(Path.Map.of_list_exn files)
| Some (digest, path_map) ->
| Build_under_directory_target _ ->
let* digest, path_map = build_dir dir in
let files =
Path.Build.Map.foldi path_map ~init:Path.Map.empty
~f:(fun path digest acc ->
Expand All @@ -994,16 +1004,11 @@ end = struct
let dirs = Path.Map.singleton dir digest in
Memo.return (Dep.Fact.Files.make ~files ~dirs)

(* CR-someday amokhov: This function is broken for [dir]s located inside a
directory target. To check this and give a good error message we need to
call [load_dir] on the parent directory but that creates a dependency
cycle because of [copy_rules]. So, for now, this function just silently
produces a wrong result (the glob evalutes to the empty set of files). Of
course, we'd like to eventually fix this. *)
let eval_impl g =
let dir = File_selector.dir g in
Load_rules.load_dir ~dir >>| function
| Non_build targets -> Path.Set.filter targets ~f:(File_selector.test g)
Load_rules.load_dir ~dir >>= function
| Non_build targets ->
Memo.return (Path.Set.filter targets ~f:(File_selector.test g))
| Build { rules_here; _ } ->
let only_generated_files = File_selector.only_generated_files g in
(* We look only at [by_file_targets] because [File_selector] does not
Expand All @@ -1015,7 +1020,13 @@ end = struct
| _ ->
let s = s in
if File_selector.test g s then s :: acc else acc)
|> Path.Set.of_list
|> Path.Set.of_list |> Memo.return
| Build_under_directory_target _ ->
(* To evaluate a glob in a generated directory, we have no choice but to
build the whole directory, so we might as well build the
predicate. *)
let+ fact = g in
Dep.Fact.Files.paths fact |> Path.Set.of_keys

let eval_memo =
Memo.create "eval-pred"
Expand All @@ -1037,19 +1048,18 @@ end = struct

let build_file_memo =
let cutoff =
Tuple.T2.equal Digest.equal
(Option.equal (Path.Build.Map.equal ~equal:Digest.equal))
let cutoff = Tuple.T2.equal Digest.equal target_kind_equal in
Memo.create "build-file" ~input:(module Path) ~cutoff build_file_impl

let build_file path = Memo.exec build_file_memo path >>| fst

let build_dir path =
let+ digest, path_map = Memo.exec build_file_memo path in
match path_map with
| Some path_map -> Some (digest, path_map)
| None -> None
let+ digest, kind = Memo.exec build_file_memo path in
match kind with
| Dir_target { generated_file_digests } -> (digest, generated_file_digests)
| File_target ->
Code_error.raise "build_dir called on a file target"
[ ("path", Path.to_dyn path) ]

let build_alias_memo =
Memo.create "build-alias"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1095,25 +1105,32 @@ let build_pred =
the results of both [Action_builder.static_deps] and [Action_builder.exec]
are cached. *)
let file_exists fn =
Load_rules.load_dir ~dir:(Path.parent_exn fn) >>| function
| Non_build targets -> Path.Set.mem targets fn
| Build { rules_here; _ } -> (
match Path.as_in_build_dir fn with
| None -> false
| Some fn -> (
match Path.Build.Map.mem rules_here.by_file_targets fn with
| true -> true
| false -> (
match Path.Build.parent fn with
| None -> false
| Some dir -> Path.Build.Map.mem rules_here.by_directory_targets dir)))
Load_rules.load_dir ~dir:(Path.parent_exn fn) >>= function
| Non_build targets -> Memo.return (Path.Set.mem targets fn)
| Build { rules_here; _ } ->
(Path.Build.Map.mem rules_here.by_file_targets
(Path.as_in_build_dir_exn fn))
| Build_under_directory_target { directory_target_ancestor } ->
let+ _digest, path_map = build_dir ( directory_target_ancestor) in
Path.Build.Map.mem path_map (Path.as_in_build_dir_exn fn)

let files_of ~dir =
Load_rules.load_dir ~dir >>| function
| Non_build file_targets -> file_targets
Load_rules.load_dir ~dir >>= function
| Non_build file_targets -> Memo.return file_targets
| Build { rules_here; _ } ->
Path.Build.Map.keys rules_here.by_file_targets
|> Path.Set.of_list_map
(Path.Build.Map.keys rules_here.by_file_targets
|> Path.Set.of_list_map
| Build_under_directory_target { directory_target_ancestor } ->
let+ _digest, path_map = build_dir ( directory_target_ancestor) in
let dir = Path.as_in_build_dir_exn dir in
Path.Build.Map.foldi path_map ~init:Path.Set.empty
~f:(fun path _digest acc ->
let parent = Path.Build.parent_exn path in
match Path.Build.equal parent dir with
| true -> Path.Set.add acc ( path)
| false -> acc)

let package_deps ~packages_of (pkg : Package.t) files =
(* CR-someday amokhov: We should get rid of this mutable state. *)
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