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Remove support for old versioning system
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Signed-off-by: Ulysse Gérard <>
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voodoos committed Mar 16, 2020
1 parent 086e2a9 commit 05add08
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Showing 11 changed files with 41 additions and 80 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
let syntax =
Dune_lang.Syntax.createn ~name:"action-plugin" ~desc:"action plugin extension"
Dune_lang.Syntax.create ~name:"action-plugin" ~desc:"action plugin extension"
[ ((0, 1), `Since (2, 0)) ]
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let name = "cinaps"
type Stanza.t += T of t

let syntax =
Dune_lang.Syntax.createn ~name ~desc:"the cinaps extension"
Dune_lang.Syntax.create ~name ~desc:"the cinaps extension"
[ ((1, 0), `Since (1, 11)) ]

let alias = Alias.make (Alias.Name.of_string name)
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let relative_file =

let library_variants =
let syntax =
Dune_lang.Syntax.createn ~name:"library_variants"
Dune_lang.Syntax.create ~name:"library_variants"
~desc:"the experimental library variants feature."
[ ((0, 1), `Since (1, 9)); ((0, 2), `Since (1, 11)) ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1538,7 +1538,7 @@ module Executables = struct

let bootstrap_info_extension =
let syntax =
Dune_lang.Syntax.createn ~name:"dune-bootstrap-info"
Dune_lang.Syntax.create ~name:"dune-bootstrap-info"
~desc:"private extension to handle Dune bootstrap"
[ ((0, 1), `Since (2, 0)) ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1991,8 +1991,7 @@ module Coq = struct

let syntax =
Dune_lang.Syntax.createn ~name:"coq"
~desc:"the coq extension (experimental)"
Dune_lang.Syntax.create ~name:"coq" ~desc:"the coq extension (experimental)"
[ ((0, 1), `Since (1, 9)) ]

let coq_public_decode =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ open Import
open Dune_lang.Decoder

let syntax =
Dune_lang.Syntax.createn ~name:"fmt"
Dune_lang.Syntax.create ~name:"fmt"
~desc:"integration with automatic formatters"
[ ((1, 0), `Since (1, 4))
; ((1, 1), `Since (1, 7))
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ type Stanza.t += T of t
let syntax =
let name = "mdx" in
let desc = "mdx extension to verify code blocks in .md files" in
Dune_lang.Syntax.createn ~name ~desc [ ((0, 1), `Since (2, 4)) ]
Dune_lang.Syntax.create ~name ~desc [ ((0, 1), `Since (2, 4)) ]

let default_files =
let has_extention ext s = String.equal ext (Filename.extension s) in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
let syntax =
Dune_lang.Syntax.createn ~name:"menhir" ~desc:"the menhir extension"
Dune_lang.Syntax.create ~name:"menhir" ~desc:"the menhir extension"
[ ((1, 0), `Since (1, 0))
; ((1, 1), `Since (1, 4))
; ((2, 0), `Since (1, 4))
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ type t =

let syntax =
let syntax =
~desc:"experimental feature for building the compiler with dune"
[ ((0, 1), `Since (1, 3)) ]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ let all_minors (major, minor) =
List.init (minor + 1) ~f:(fun i -> since (major, i))

let syntax =
Dune_lang.Syntax.createn ~name:"dune" ~desc:"the dune language"
Dune_lang.Syntax.create ~name:"dune" ~desc:"the dune language"
(all_minors (1, 12) @ all_minors latest_version)
85 changes: 24 additions & 61 deletions src/dune_lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,31 +47,16 @@ module Supported_versions = struct
(* The extension supported versions are declared using an explicit list of all
versions but stored as a map from major versions to maps from minor version
to dune_lang required versions *)
type t =
[ `Old of int Int.Map.t
| `New of Version.t Int.Map.t Int.Map.t
type t = Version.t Int.Map.t Int.Map.t

let to_dyn t =
match t with
| `Old t -> Int.Map.to_dyn Int.to_dyn t
| `New t -> Int.Map.to_dyn (Int.Map.to_dyn Version.to_dyn) t

let _print t =
Int.Map.iteri t ~f:(fun k m ->
Printf.eprintf "Major: %i" k;
Int.Map.iteri m ~f:(fun k dlv ->
Printf.eprintf " (Minor: %i DLV: %s)" k (Version.to_string dlv));
Printf.eprintf "\n")

let make v : t = `Old (Int.Map.of_list_exn v)
let to_dyn t = Int.Map.to_dyn (Int.Map.to_dyn Version.to_dyn) t

(* We convert the exposed extension version type: `(Version.t * [ `Since of
Version.t ]) list` which is a list of fully qualified versions paired with
the corresponding dune_lang version. To the internal representation:
`(Version.t Int.Map.t) Int.Map.t` which is a list of major versions paired
with lists of minor versions paires with a dune_lang version. *)
let maken (versions : (Version.t * [ `Since of Version.t ]) list) : t =
let make (versions : (Version.t * [ `Since of Version.t ]) list) : t =
let v =
List.fold_left versions
~init:(Int.Map.empty : Version.t Int.Map.t Int.Map.t)
Expand All @@ -87,7 +72,7 @@ module Supported_versions = struct
| Some _minor_map -> Some minor_map
| None -> Some minor_map))
`New v

let remove_uncompatible_versions lang_ver =
Int.Map.filter_map ~f:(fun minors ->
Expand All @@ -101,52 +86,37 @@ module Supported_versions = struct

let rec greatest_supported_version ?lang_ver t =
let open Option.O in
match (t, lang_ver) with
| `Old t, _ -> Int.Map.max_binding t
| `New t, Some lang_ver ->
match lang_ver with
| Some lang_ver ->
let compat = remove_uncompatible_versions lang_ver t in
greatest_supported_version (`New compat)
| `New t, None ->
greatest_supported_version compat
| None ->
let* major, minors = Int.Map.max_binding t in
let* minor, _ = Int.Map.max_binding minors in
Some (major, minor)

let get_min_lang_ver t (major, minor) =
match t with
| `New t ->
let open Option.O in
let* minors = Int.Map.find t major in
Int.Map.find minors minor
| `Old _ -> None
let open Option.O in
let* minors = Int.Map.find t major in
Int.Map.find minors minor

let is_supported t (major, minor) lang_ver =
match t with
| `Old t -> (
match Int.Map.find t major with
| Some minor' -> minor' >= minor
| None -> false )
| `New t -> (
match Int.Map.find t major with
| Some t -> (
match Int.Map.find t minor with
| Some min_lang_ver -> lang_ver >= min_lang_ver
| None -> false )
match Int.Map.find t major with
| Some t -> (
match Int.Map.find t minor with
| Some min_lang_ver -> lang_ver >= min_lang_ver
| None -> false )
| None -> false

let supported_ranges lang_ver (t : t) =
match t with
| `Old t ->
Int.Map.to_list t
|> ~f:(fun (major, minor) -> ((major, 0), (major, minor)))
| `New t ->
let compat = remove_uncompatible_versions lang_ver t in
Int.Map.to_list compat
|> ~f:(fun (major, minors) ->
let max_minor, _ = Option.value_exn (Int.Map.max_binding minors) in
if major > 0 then
((major, 0), (major, max_minor))
((major, 1), (major, max_minor)))
let compat = remove_uncompatible_versions lang_ver t in
Int.Map.to_list compat
|> ~f:(fun (major, minors) ->
let max_minor, _ = Option.value_exn (Int.Map.max_binding minors) in
if major > 0 then
((major, 0), (major, max_minor))
((major, 1), (major, max_minor)))

type t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,13 +180,6 @@ let create ~name ~desc supported_versions =
; supported_versions = Supported_versions.make supported_versions

let createn ~name ~desc supported_versions =
{ name
; desc
; key = Univ_map.Key.create ~name Version.to_dyn
; supported_versions = Supported_versions.maken supported_versions

let name t =

let check_supported ~lang_ver t (loc, ver) =
Expand Down
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions src/dune_lang/syntax.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,12 +58,10 @@ module Warning : sig

(** [create ~name ~desc supported_versions] defines a new syntax.
[supported_version] is the list of the last minor version of each supported
major version. [desc] is used to describe what this syntax represent in
error messages. *)
val create : name:string -> desc:string -> Version.t list -> t

val createn :
[supported_version] is the list of all the supported versions paired with
the versions of the dune lang in which they where introduced. [desc] is used
to describe what this syntax represent in error messages. *)
val create :
name:string -> desc:string -> (Version.t * [ `Since of Version.t ]) list -> t

(** Return the name of the syntax. *)
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/dune_lang/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,8 +72,9 @@ struct
Syntax.check_supported ~lang_ver t.syntax (ver_loc, lang_ver);
{ syntax = t.syntax; data =; version = lang_ver }

(* TODO get_exn is only called with "dune" so far, but greatest_supported_version may return None for extensions
which are not supported under the specified dune_lang version *)
(* TODO get_exn is only called with "dune" so far, but
greatest_supported_version may return None for extensions which are not
supported under the specified dune_lang version *)
let get_exn name : Instance.t =
let t = Table.find_exn langs name in
{ syntax = t.syntax
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