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rpc: dune rpc status --all
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We add an --all flag for printing the statuses of all running dune

Signed-off-by: Ali Caglayan <>
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Alizter committed Jun 28, 2023
1 parent 1b4c41a commit c8fcc94
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Showing 3 changed files with 128 additions and 15 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ Unreleased
- Do not re-run OCaml syntax files on every iteration of the watch mode. This
is too memory consuming. (#7894, fix #6900, @rgrinberg)

- Add `--all` option to `dune rpc status` to show all Dune RPC servers running.
(#8011, fix #7902, @Alizter)

- Remove some compatibility code for old version of dune that generated
`.merlin` files. Now dune will never remove `.merlin` files automatically
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116 changes: 101 additions & 15 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,27 +87,110 @@ let report_error error =
let witness = Dune_rpc_private.Decl.Request.witness

module Status = struct
let term =
let+ (common : Common.t) = Common.term in
client_term common @@ fun _common ->
let where = active_server () in
[ Pp.textf "Server is listening on %s" (Dune_rpc.Where.to_string where)
; Pp.text "Connected clients (including this one):"
let ( let** ) x f =
let open Fiber.O in
let* conn = Client.Connection.connect_exn where in
let* x = x in
match x with
| Ok s -> f s
| Error e -> Fiber.return (Error e)

let ( let++ ) x f =
let open Fiber.O in
let+ x = x in
match x with
| Ok s -> Ok (f s)
| Error e -> Error e

(** Get the status of a server at a given location and apply a function to the
list of clients *)
let server_response_map ~where ~f =
(* TODO: add timeout for status check *)
let open Fiber.O in
let** conn =
Client.Connection.connect where
>>| Result.map_error ~f:User_message.to_string
Dune_rpc_impl.Client.client conn
~id:(Dune_rpc.Id.make (Sexp.Atom "status")))
~f:(fun session ->
let open Fiber.O in
let+ response =
request_exn session (witness Dune_rpc_impl.Decl.status) ()
let++ response =
let** decl =
Client.Versioned.prepare_request session
(witness Dune_rpc_impl.Decl.status)
>>| Result.map_error ~f:Dune_rpc_private.Version_error.message
Client.request session decl ()
>>| Result.map_error ~f:Dune_rpc.Response.Error.message
match response with
| Error error -> report_error error
| Ok { clients } ->
f response.Dune_rpc_impl.Decl.Status.clients)

(** Get a list of registered Dunes from the RPC registry *)
let registered_dunes () : Dune_rpc.Registry.Dune.t list Fiber.t =
let config =
Dune_rpc_private.Registry.Config.create (Lazy.force Dune_util.xdg)
let registry = Dune_rpc_private.Registry.create config in
let open Fiber.O in
let+ _result = Dune_rpc_impl.Poll_active.poll registry in
Dune_rpc_private.Registry.current registry

(** The type of server statuses *)
type status =
{ root : string
; pid : Pid.t
; result : (int, string) result

(** Fetch the status of a single Dune instance *)
let get_status (dune : Dune_rpc.Registry.Dune.t) =
let root = Dune_rpc_private.Registry.Dune.root dune in
let pid = dune |> Pid.of_int in
let where = Dune_rpc_private.Registry.Dune.where dune in
let open Fiber.O in
let+ result = server_response_map ~where ~f:List.length in
{ root; pid; result }

(** Print a list of statuses to the console *)
let print_statuses statuses =
List.sort statuses ~compare:(fun x y -> x.root y.root)
|> Pp.concat_map ~sep:Pp.newline ~f:(fun { root; pid; result } ->
Pp.concat ~sep:Pp.newline
[ Pp.textf "root: %s" root
; Pp.enumerate
[ Pp.textf "pid: %d" (Pid.to_int pid)
; Pp.textf "clients: %s"
(match result with
| Ok n -> string_of_int n
| Error e -> e)
|> List.singleton |> Console.print

let term =
let+ (common : Common.t) = Common.term
and+ all =
value & flag
& info [ "all" ]
"Show all running Dune instances together with their root, pids \
and number of clients.")
client_term common @@ fun () ->
let open Fiber.O in
if all then
let* dunes = registered_dunes () in
let+ statuses = Fiber.parallel_map ~f:get_status dunes in
print_statuses statuses
let where = active_server () in
[ Pp.textf "Server is listening on %s" (Dune_rpc.Where.to_string where)
; Pp.text "Connected clients (including this one):"
server_response_map ~where ~f:(fun clients ->
List.iter clients ~f:(fun (client, menu) ->
let id =
let sexp = Dune_rpc.Conv.to_sexp Dune_rpc.Id.sexp client in
Expand All @@ -129,7 +212,10 @@ module Status = struct
Pp.textf "%s: %d" method_ version)))
User_message.print message))
Console.print_user_message message))
>>| function
| Ok () -> ()
| Error e -> Printf.printf "Error: %s\n" e

let info =
let doc = "show active connections" in
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24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions src/dune_rpc_impl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,3 +5,27 @@ module For_handlers = For_handlers
module Private = Dune_rpc_client.Private
module Watch_mode_config = Watch_mode_config
module Where = Dune_rpc_client.Where

module Poll_active =
let scandir dir =
(match Dune_filesystem_stubs.read_directory dir with
| Ok s -> Ok s
| Error (e, _, _) ->
Error (Failure (dir ^ ": " ^ Unix.error_message e)))

let stat s =
(match Unix.stat s with
| exception exn -> Error exn
| s -> Ok (`Mtime s.st_mtime))

let read_file s =
(match Stdune.Io.String_path.read_file s with
| s -> Ok s
| exception exn -> Error exn)

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