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Merge branch 'main' into dual-libs-names
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Signed-off-by: Javier Chávarri <>
  • Loading branch information
jchavarri committed Mar 18, 2024
2 parents 44eb127 + f271143 commit d333475
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Showing 70 changed files with 558 additions and 614 deletions.
81 changes: 49 additions & 32 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,6 +141,11 @@ module Special_file = struct

type copy_kind =
| Plain (** Just copy the file. Can use fast paths through [Io.copy_file] *)
| Substitute (** Use [Artifact_substitution.copy_file]. Will scan all bytes. *)
| Special of Special_file.t (** Hooks to add version numbers, replace sections, etc *)

type rmdir_mode =
| Fail
| Warn
Expand All @@ -151,7 +156,7 @@ module type File_operations = sig
: src:Path.t
-> dst:Path.t
-> executable:bool
-> special_file:Special_file.t option
-> kind:copy_kind
-> package:Package.Name.t
-> conf:Artifact_substitution.Conf.t
-> unit Fiber.t
Expand All @@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ module File_ops_dry_run (Verbosity : sig

let print_line fmt = print_line ~verbosity fmt

let copy_file ~src ~dst ~executable ~special_file:_ ~package:_ ~conf:_ =
let copy_file ~src ~dst ~executable ~kind:_ ~package:_ ~conf:_ =
"Copying %s to %s (executable: %b)"
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted src)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,25 +212,22 @@ module File_ops_real (W : sig
; callback : ?version:string -> Format.formatter -> unit

type copy_special_file_status =
| Done
| Use_plain_copy

let copy_special_file ~src ~package ~ic ~oc ~f =
let open Fiber.O in
let plain_copy () =
(* CR-rgrinberg: we have fast paths for copying that we aren't making use
of here *)
seek_in ic 0;
Io.copy_channels ic oc;
Fiber.return ()
match f ic with
| None -> plain_copy ()
| None -> Fiber.return Use_plain_copy
(* XXX should we really be catching everything here? *)
| exception _ ->
~loc:(Loc.in_file src)
[ Pp.text "Failed to parse file, not adding version and locations information." ];
plain_copy ()
Fiber.return Use_plain_copy
| Some { need_version; callback } ->
let* version =
let+ version =
if need_version
let* packages =
Expand All @@ -241,7 +243,7 @@ module File_ops_real (W : sig
let ppf = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
callback ppf ?version;
Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
Fiber.return ()

let process_meta ic =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,29 +338,39 @@ module File_ops_real (W : sig
~(conf : Artifact_substitution.Conf.t)
let chmod = if executable then fun _ -> 0o755 else fun _ -> 0o644 in
match (special_file : Special_file.t option) with
| None -> Artifact_substitution.copy_file ~conf ~src ~dst ~chmod ()
| Some sf ->
(* CR-rgrinberg: slow copying *)
let plain_copy () =
Io.copy_file ~chmod ~src ~dst ();
Fiber.return ()
match kind with
| Plain -> plain_copy ()
| Substitute -> Artifact_substitution.copy_file ~conf ~src ~dst ~chmod ()
| Special sf ->
let open Fiber.O in
let ic, oc = Io.setup_copy ~chmod ~src ~dst () in
~finally:(fun () ->
Io.close_both (ic, oc);
Fiber.return ())
(fun () ->
let f =
match sf with
| META -> process_meta
| Dune_package ->
~get_location:(Artifact_substitution.Conf.get_location conf)
copy_special_file ~src ~package ~ic ~oc ~f)
let* status =
~finally:(fun () ->
Io.close_both (ic, oc);
Fiber.return ())
(fun () ->
let f =
match sf with
| META -> process_meta
| Dune_package ->
~get_location:(Artifact_substitution.Conf.get_location conf)
copy_special_file ~src ~package ~ic ~oc ~f)
(match status with
| Done -> Fiber.return ()
| Use_plain_copy -> plain_copy ())

let remove_file_if_exists dst =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,7 +512,12 @@ let install_entry
(Path.to_string_maybe_quoted dst);
Ops.mkdir_p dir;
let executable = Section.should_set_executable_bit entry.section in
Ops.copy_file ~src:entry.src ~dst ~executable ~special_file ~package ~conf
let kind =
match special_file with
| Some special -> Special special
| None -> if executable then Substitute else Plain
Ops.copy_file ~src:entry.src ~dst ~executable ~kind ~package ~conf
Install.Entry.set_src entry dst
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/changes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- Remove limitations on percent forms in the `(enabled_if ..)` field of
libraries (#10250, @rgrinberg)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/changes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- fix crash when decoding dune-package for libraries with `(include_subdirs
qualified)` (#10269, fixes #10264, @emillon)
42 changes: 12 additions & 30 deletions src/dune_digest/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,33 +99,17 @@ module Stats_for_digest = struct

module Path_digest_result = struct
module Path_digest_error = struct
type nonrec t =
| Ok of t
| Unexpected_kind
| Unix_error of Dune_filesystem_stubs.Unix_error.Detailed.t

let of_result = function
| Result.Ok t -> Ok t
| Error unix_error -> Unix_error unix_error

let equal x y =
match x, y with
| Ok x, Ok y -> D.equal x y
| Ok _, _ | _, Ok _ -> false
| Unexpected_kind, Unexpected_kind -> true
| Unexpected_kind, _ | _, Unexpected_kind -> false
| Unix_error x, Unix_error y -> Dune_filesystem_stubs.Unix_error.Detailed.equal x y

E of [ `Unix_error of Dune_filesystem_stubs.Unix_error.Detailed.t | `Unexpected_kind ]
exception E of Path_digest_error.t

let directory_digest_version = 2

let path_with_stats ~allow_dirs path (stats : Stats_for_digest.t) : Path_digest_result.t =
let path_with_stats ~allow_dirs path (stats : Stats_for_digest.t) =
let rec loop path (stats : Stats_for_digest.t) =
match stats.st_kind with
| S_LNK ->
Expand All @@ -135,44 +119,42 @@ let path_with_stats ~allow_dirs path (stats : Stats_for_digest.t) : Path_digest_
let contents = Unix.readlink (Path.to_string path) in
path_with_executable_bit ~executable ~content_digest:contents)
|> Path_digest_result.of_result
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun x -> Path_digest_error.Unix_error x)
| S_REG ->
let executable = Path.Permissions.test Path.Permissions.execute stats.st_perm in
(file_with_executable_bit ~executable)
|> Path_digest_result.of_result
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun x -> Path_digest_error.Unix_error x)
| S_DIR when allow_dirs ->
(* CR-someday amokhov: The current digesting scheme has collisions for files
and directories. It's unclear if this is actually a problem. If it turns
out to be a problem, we should include [st_kind] into both digests. *)
(match Path.readdir_unsorted path with
| Error e -> Path_digest_result.Unix_error e
| Error e -> Error (Path_digest_error.Unix_error e)
| Ok listing ->
List.rev_map listing ~f:(fun name ->
let path = Path.relative path name in
let stats =
match Path.lstat path with
| Error e -> raise_notrace (E (`Unix_error e))
| Error e -> raise_notrace (E (Unix_error e))
| Ok stat -> Stats_for_digest.of_unix_stats stat
let digest =
match loop path stats with
| Ok s -> s
| Unix_error e -> raise_notrace (E (`Unix_error e))
| Unexpected_kind -> raise_notrace (E `Unexpected_kind)
| Error e -> raise_notrace (E e)
name, digest)
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun (x, _) (y, _) -> x y)
| exception E (`Unix_error e) -> Path_digest_result.Unix_error e
| exception E `Unexpected_kind -> Path_digest_result.Unexpected_kind
| exception E e -> Error e
| contents -> Ok (generic (directory_digest_version, contents, stats.st_perm))))
| S_DIR | S_BLK | S_CHR | S_FIFO | S_SOCK -> Unexpected_kind
| S_DIR | S_BLK | S_CHR | S_FIFO | S_SOCK -> Error Unexpected_kind
match stats.st_kind with
| S_DIR when not allow_dirs -> Unexpected_kind
| S_BLK | S_CHR | S_LNK | S_FIFO | S_SOCK -> Unexpected_kind
| S_DIR when not allow_dirs -> Error Path_digest_error.Unexpected_kind
| S_BLK | S_CHR | S_LNK | S_FIFO | S_SOCK -> Error Unexpected_kind
| _ -> loop path stats
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions src/dune_digest/dune_digest.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,14 +30,11 @@ module Stats_for_digest : sig
val of_unix_stats : Unix.stats -> t

module Path_digest_result : sig
module Path_digest_error : sig
type nonrec t =
| Ok of t
| Unexpected_kind
| Unix_error of Dune_filesystem_stubs.Unix_error.Detailed.t
(** A Unix error, e.g., [(ENOENT, _, _)] if the path doesn't exist. *)

val equal : t -> t -> bool

(** Digest a path taking into account its [Stats_for_digest].
Expand All @@ -58,7 +55,7 @@ val path_with_stats
: allow_dirs:bool
-> Path.t
-> Stats_for_digest.t
-> Path_digest_result.t
-> (t, Path_digest_error.t) result

(** Digest a file taking the [executable] bit into account. Should not be called
on a directory. *)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/dune_engine/
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Expand Up @@ -235,9 +235,9 @@ let digest_path_with_stats ~allow_dirs path stats =
Digest.path_with_stats ~allow_dirs path (Digest.Stats_for_digest.of_unix_stats stats)
| Ok digest -> Ok digest
| Unexpected_kind -> Error (Digest_result.Error.Unexpected_kind stats.st_kind)
| Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _) -> Error No_such_file
| Unix_error other_error -> Error (Unix_error other_error)
| Error Unexpected_kind -> Error (Digest_result.Error.Unexpected_kind stats.st_kind)
| Error (Unix_error (ENOENT, _, _)) -> Error No_such_file
| Error (Unix_error other_error) -> Error (Unix_error other_error)

let refresh ~allow_dirs stats path =
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune_engine/
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Expand Up @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ end
let path_stat path =
let* () = ~try_to_watch_via_parent:true path in
match Fs_cache.Untracked.path_stat path with
| Ok { st_dev = _; st_ino = _; st_kind } as result when st_kind = S_DIR ->
| Ok { st_dev = _; st_ino = _; st_kind = S_DIR } as result ->
(* If [path] is a directory, we conservatively watch it directly too,
because its stats may change in a way that doesn't trigger an event in
the parent. We probably don't care about such changes for now because
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune_engine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ let promote ~(targets : _ Targets.Produced.t) ~(promote : Rule.Promote.t) ~promo
Dune will notice its deletion. Furthermore, if we used a tracked version,
[Path.mkdir_p] below would generate an unnecessary file-system event. *)
match Fs_cache.(read Untracked.path_stat) (In_source_dir dst_dir) with
| Ok { st_kind; _ } when st_kind = S_DIR -> ()
| Ok { st_kind = S_DIR; _ } -> ()
| Error (ENOENT, _, _) -> Path.mkdir_p (Path.source dst_dir)
| Ok _ | Error _ ->
(* Try to delete any unexpected stuff out of the way. In future, we might
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ let copy_file_non_atomic ~conf ?chmod ~src ~dst () =
let replace_if_different ~delete_dst_if_it_is_a_directory ~src ~dst =
let up_to_date =
match Path.Untracked.stat dst with
| Ok { st_kind; _ } when st_kind = S_DIR ->
| Ok { st_kind = S_DIR; _ } ->
(match delete_dst_if_it_is_a_directory with
| true ->
Path.rm_rf dst;
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ let force { local_bins; _ } =

let expand = Fdecl.create Dyn.opaque

let analyze_binary t name =
match Filename.is_relative name with
| false -> Memo.return (`Resolved (Path.of_filename_relative_to_initial_cwd name))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,7 +87,11 @@ let binary t ?hint ?(where = Install_dir) ~loc name =
Memo.return @@ Ok ( @@ Path.Build.append_local install_dir dst)
| Original_path ->
let+ expanded =
File_binding.Unexpanded.expand binding ~dir ~f:(Fdecl.get expand ~dir)
let* expander = Expander0.get ~dir in
~f:(Expander0.expand_str_and_build_deps expander)
let src = File_binding.Expanded.src expanded in
Ok ( src))
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/dune_rules/artifacts.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,5 +41,3 @@ val create
: Context.t
-> local_bins:origin Appendable_list.t Filename.Map.t Memo.Lazy.t
-> t

val expand : (dir:Path.Build.t -> String_with_vars.t -> string Memo.t) Fdecl.t
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,28 +35,28 @@ let available_exes ~dir (exes : Executables.t) =
Resolve.is_ok available

let expander = Fdecl.create Dyn.opaque

let get_installed_binaries ~(context : Context.t) stanzas =
let merge _ x y = Some (Appendable_list.( @ ) x y) in
let open Memo.O in stanzas ~f:(fun d ->
let dir = Path.Build.append_source (Context.build_dir context) (Dune_file.dir d) in
let* expander = (Fdecl.get expander) ~dir in
let* expander = Expander0.get ~dir in
let expand_value sw =
Expander.expand expander ~mode:Single sw
Expander0.expand expander ~mode:Single sw
|> Action_builder.evaluate_and_collect_facts
>>| fst
let expand_str sw =
Expander.expand_str expander sw |> Action_builder.evaluate_and_collect_facts >>| fst
Expander0.expand_str expander sw
|> Action_builder.evaluate_and_collect_facts
>>| fst
let expand_str_partial sw =
Expander.expand_str_partial expander sw
Expander0.expand_str_partial expander sw
|> Action_builder.evaluate_and_collect_facts
>>| fst
let eval_blang = Expander.eval_blang expander in
let eval_blang = Expander0.eval_blang expander in
let binaries_from_install ~enabled_if files =
let* unexpanded_file_bindings =
Install_entry.File.to_file_bindings_unexpanded files ~expand:expand_value ~dir
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/dune_rules/artifacts_db.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
(* This module is separate from [Artifacts] to avoid cycles *)

open Stdune

val expander : (dir:Path.Build.t -> Expander.t Memo.t) Fdecl.t
val get : Context.t -> Artifacts.t Memo.t
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/dune_rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,14 @@ let empty = { libraries = Lib_name.Map.empty; modules = Module_name.Map.empty }
let lookup_module { modules; libraries = _ } = Module_name.Map.find modules
let lookup_library { libraries; modules = _ } = Lib_name.Map.find libraries

let make ~dir ~lib_config ~libs ~exes =
let make ~dir ~expander ~lib_config ~libs ~exes =
let+ libraries = libs ~f:(fun ((lib : Library.t), _, _) ->
let+ lib_config = lib_config in
let name = Lib_name.of_local in
let info = Library.to_lib_info lib ~dir ~lib_config in
let info =
Library.to_lib_info lib ~expander:(Memo.return expander) ~dir ~lib_config
name, info)
>>| Lib_name.Map.of_list_exn
Expand Down

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