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Simplify ast #209

merged 14 commits into from
Jun 24, 2020
195 changes: 71 additions & 124 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,172 +1,119 @@
type attribute =
string * string
type attributes =
(string * string) list

type 'a link_def =
label: 'a;
destination: string;
title: string option;
attributes: attribute list;

type block_list_kind =
type list_type =
| Ordered of int * char
| Unordered of char
| Bullet of char

type list_spacing =
| Loose
| Tight

let same_block_list_kind k1 k2 =
match k1, k2 with
| Ordered (_, c1), Ordered (_, c2)
| Unordered c1, Unordered c2 -> c1 = c2
| Bullet c1, Bullet c2 -> c1 = c2
| _ -> false

type block_list_style =
| Loose
| Tight

type code_block_kind =
| Tilde
| Backtick

module type T = sig
type t

module MakeBlock (Inline : T) = struct
type block_list =
kind: block_list_kind;
style: block_list_style;
blocks: t list list;

and code_block =
module MakeBlock (I : T) = struct
type def_elt =
kind: code_block_kind option;
label: string option;
other: string option;
code: string option;
attributes: attribute list;
term: I.t;
defs: I.t list;

and heading =
and block =
level: int;
text: Inline.t;
attributes: attribute list;
bl_desc: block_desc;
bl_attributes: attributes;

and def_elt =
term: Inline.t;
defs: Inline.t list;

and def_list =
content: def_elt list

and t =
| Paragraph of Inline.t
| List of block_list
| Blockquote of t list
and block_desc =
| Paragraph of I.t
| List of list_type * list_spacing * block list list
| Blockquote of block list
| Thematic_break
| Heading of heading
| Code_block of code_block
| Heading of int * I.t
| Code_block of string * string
| Html_block of string
| Link_def of string link_def
| Def_list of def_list
| Definition_list of def_elt list

let defs ast =
let rec loop acc = function
| List l -> List.fold_left (List.fold_left loop) acc l.blocks
let rec loop acc {bl_desc; bl_attributes} =
match bl_desc with
| List (_, _, bls) -> List.fold_left (List.fold_left loop) acc bls
| Blockquote l -> List.fold_left loop acc l
| Paragraph _ | Thematic_break | Heading _
| Def_list _ | Code_block _ | Html_block _ -> acc
| Link_def def -> def :: acc
| Definition_list _ | Code_block _ | Html_block _ -> acc
| Link_def def -> (def, bl_attributes) :: acc
List.rev (List.fold_left loop [] ast)

type link_kind =
| Img
| Url

type emph_kind =
| Normal
| Strong

type emph_style =
| Star
| Underscore

module Inline = struct
type emph =
style: emph_style;
kind: emph_kind;
content: t;

and code =
level: int;
content: string;
attributes: attribute list;

and link =
kind: link_kind;
def: t link_def;

and ref =
kind: link_kind;
label: t;
def: string link_def;
type inline =
il_desc: inline_desc;
il_attributes: attributes;

and t =
| Concat of t list
| Text of string
| Emph of emph
| Code of code
| Hard_break
| Soft_break
| Link of link
| Ref of ref
| Html of string
and inline_desc =
| Concat of inline list
| Text of string
| Emph of inline
| Strong of inline
| Code of string
| Hard_break
| Soft_break
| Link of inline link_def
| Image of inline link_def
| Html of string

module Raw = MakeBlock (String)

module Block = MakeBlock (Inline)
module Inline = struct type t = inline end

include MakeBlock (Inline)

module MakeMapper (Src : T) (Dst : T) = struct
module SrcBlock = MakeBlock(Src)
module DstBlock = MakeBlock(Dst)

let rec map (f : Src.t -> Dst.t) : SrcBlock.t -> DstBlock.t = function
| SrcBlock.Paragraph x -> DstBlock.Paragraph (f x)
| List {kind; style; blocks} ->
List {kind; style; blocks = ( (map f)) blocks}
| Blockquote xs ->
Blockquote ( (map f) xs)
| Thematic_break ->
| Heading {level; text; attributes} ->
Heading {level; text = f text; attributes}
| Def_list {content} ->
let f {SrcBlock.term; defs} = {DstBlock.term = f term; defs = f defs} in
Def_list {content = f content}
| Code_block {kind; label; other; code; attributes} ->
Code_block {kind; label; other; code; attributes}
| Html_block x ->
Html_block x
| Link_def x ->
Link_def x
let rec map (f : Src.t -> Dst.t) : SrcBlock.block -> DstBlock.block =
fun {bl_desc; bl_attributes} ->
let bl_desc =
match bl_desc with
| SrcBlock.Paragraph x -> DstBlock.Paragraph (f x)
| List (ty, sp, bl) ->
List (ty, sp, ( (map f)) bl)
| Blockquote xs ->
Blockquote ( (map f) xs)
| Thematic_break ->
| Heading (level, text) ->
Heading (level, f text)
| Definition_list l ->
let f {SrcBlock.term; defs} = {DstBlock.term = f term; defs = f defs} in
Definition_list ( f l)
| Code_block (label, code) ->
Code_block (label, code)
| Html_block x ->
Html_block x
| Link_def x ->
Link_def x
{bl_desc; bl_attributes}

module Mapper = MakeMapper (String) (Inline)
52 changes: 30 additions & 22 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,23 @@ open Ast

module Sub = Parser.Sub

let mk ?(attr = []) desc =
{Ast.Raw.bl_desc = desc; bl_attributes = attr}

module Pre = struct
type container =
| Rblockquote of t
| Rlist of block_list_kind * block_list_style * bool * int * Raw.t list list * t
| Rlist of list_type * list_spacing * bool * int * Raw.block list list * t
| Rparagraph of string list
| Rfenced_code of int * int * code_block_kind * (string * string) * string list * attribute list
| Rfenced_code of int * int * Parser.code_block_kind * (string * string) * string list * attributes
| Rindented_code of string list
| Rhtml of Parser.html_kind * string list
| Rdef_list of string * string list
| Rempty

and t =
blocks: Raw.t list;
blocks: Raw.block list;
next: container;

Expand All @@ -39,31 +42,34 @@ module Pre = struct
let rec close {blocks; next} =
match next with
| Rblockquote state ->
Raw.Blockquote (finish state) :: blocks
| Rlist (kind, style, _, _, closed_items, state) ->
List {kind; style; blocks = List.rev (finish state :: closed_items)} :: blocks
mk (Raw.Blockquote (finish state)) :: blocks
| Rlist (ty, sp, _, _, closed_items, state) ->
mk (List (ty, sp, List.rev (finish state :: closed_items))) :: blocks
| Rparagraph l ->
let s = concat ( trim_left l) in
let defs, off = Parser.link_reference_definitions (Parser.P.of_string s) in
let s = String.sub s off (String.length s - off) |> String.trim in
let blocks = List.fold_right (fun def blocks -> Raw.Link_def def :: blocks) defs blocks in
if s = "" then blocks else Paragraph s :: blocks
| Rfenced_code (_, _, kind, (label, other), [], a) ->
Code_block {kind = Some kind; label = Some label; other = Some other; code = None; attributes = a} :: blocks
| Rfenced_code (_, _, kind, (label, other), l, a) ->
Code_block {kind = Some kind; label = Some label; other = Some other; code = Some (concat l); attributes = a} :: blocks
let blocks =
let f (def, attr) blocks = mk ~attr (Raw.Link_def def) :: blocks in
List.fold_right f defs blocks
if s = "" then blocks else mk (Paragraph s) :: blocks
| Rfenced_code (_, _, _kind, (label, _other), [], attr) ->
mk ~attr (Code_block (label, "")) :: blocks
| Rfenced_code (_, _, _kind, (label, _other), l, attr) ->
mk ~attr (Code_block (label, concat l)) :: blocks
| Rdef_list (term, defs) ->
let l, blocks =
match blocks with
| Def_list l :: b -> l.content, b
| {Raw.bl_desc = Definition_list l; _} :: b -> l, b
| b -> [], b
Def_list {content = l @ [{ Raw.term; defs = List.rev defs}]} :: blocks
mk (Raw.Definition_list (l @ [{ Raw.term; defs = List.rev defs}])) :: blocks
| Rindented_code l -> (* TODO: trim from the right *)
let rec loop = function "" :: l -> loop l | _ as l -> l in
Code_block {kind = None; label = None; other = None; code = Some (concat (loop l)); attributes = []} :: blocks
mk (Code_block ("", concat (loop l))) :: blocks
| Rhtml (_, l) ->
Html_block (concat l) :: blocks
mk (Html_block (concat l)) :: blocks
| Rempty ->

Expand All @@ -83,11 +89,11 @@ module Pre = struct
| Rempty, Lblockquote s ->
{blocks; next = Rblockquote (process empty s)}
| Rempty, Lthematic_break ->
{blocks = Thematic_break :: blocks; next = Rempty}
{blocks = mk Thematic_break :: blocks; next = Rempty}
| Rempty, Lsetext_heading (2, n) when n >= 3 ->
{blocks = Thematic_break :: blocks; next = Rempty}
| Rempty, Latx_heading (level, text, attributes) ->
{blocks = Heading {level; text; attributes} :: blocks; next = Rempty}
{blocks = mk Thematic_break :: blocks; next = Rempty}
| Rempty, Latx_heading (level, text, attr) ->
{blocks = mk ~attr (Heading (level, text)) :: blocks; next = Rempty}
| Rempty, Lfenced_code (ind, num, q, info, a) ->
{blocks; next = Rfenced_code (ind, num, q, info, [], a)}
| Rempty, Lhtml (_, kind) ->
Expand All @@ -102,13 +108,15 @@ module Pre = struct
{blocks; next = Rdef_list (h, [def])}
| Rdef_list (term, defs), Ldef_list def ->
{blocks; next = Rdef_list (term, def::defs)}
| Rparagraph _, Llist_item ((Ordered (1, _) | Unordered _), _, s1) when not (Parser.is_empty (Parser.P.of_string (Sub.to_string s1))) ->
| Rparagraph _, Llist_item ((Ordered (1, _) | Bullet _), _, s1)
when not (Parser.is_empty (Parser.P.of_string (Sub.to_string s1))) ->
process {blocks = close {blocks; next}; next = Rempty} s
| Rparagraph _, (Lempty | Lblockquote _ | Lthematic_break
| Latx_heading _ | Lfenced_code _ | Lhtml (true, _)) ->
process {blocks = close {blocks; next}; next = Rempty} s
| Rparagraph (_ :: _ as lines), Lsetext_heading (level, _) ->
{blocks = Heading {level; text= String.trim (String.concat "\n" (List.rev lines)); attributes = []}:: blocks; next = Rempty}
let text = String.trim (String.concat "\n" (List.rev lines)) in
{blocks = mk (Heading (level, text)) :: blocks; next = Rempty}
| Rparagraph lines, _ ->
{blocks; next = Rparagraph (Sub.to_string s :: lines)}
| Rfenced_code (_, num, q, _, _, _), Lfenced_code (_, num', q1, ("", _), _) when num' >= num && q = q1 ->
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/block.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Pre : sig

val empty: t
val process: t -> string -> t
val finish: t -> Ast.Raw.t list
val finish: t -> Ast.Raw.block list

val of_channel: in_channel -> Ast.Raw.t list
val of_string: string -> Ast.Raw.t list
val of_channel: in_channel -> Ast.Raw.block list
val of_string: string -> Ast.Raw.block list